Showing posts with label Brazilian Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazilian Football. Show all posts

Monday, December 05, 2011

Socrates - RIP

I was always Eder in the playground but I always had a soft spot for Socrates. I remember this goal as if it was yesterday:

Socrates - RIP.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sideshow Goal

Absolutely wonderful goal by Santos's Neymar that was only tarnished by the sight of his bloody awful haircut.

Happy ending, though. A Flamengo inspired Ronaldinho battled back from 3-0 down for a 5-4 victory against Pele's old mob.

If you're not a Alan Hansen wannabe with a dodgy ticker, the goal highlights and defensive lowlights are at the following link.

Hat tip to 'Monkeygrinder's Organ' over at Urban 75.