A Free Set of Animated SVG Icons

27 Jul 2017
Here we have an interesting project called Titanic. Well, it's nothing to do with ships. It's a set of eyes-pleasing animated icons.

How to make sure your next website looks great

Web Development
20 Jul 2017
If your visitors cannot tell what your company deals with as soon as they visit your website, then you need to make some changes in...

Review of IM Creator

Web Design
19 Jul 2017
Folks are always looking for high-quality, cost-effective websites nowadays. Once you’re ready to build a website, you’ll want to be sure that your website builder...

High Quality Neon fonts and Patterns For Free

09 Jul 2017
An attractive neon font created by Aga Magdziak. It's free for personal and commercial use.

Top 10 Design Freebies To Make Your Life Easier

Web Design
26 Jun 2017
With over 1 billion websites on the internet today, it is definitely a huge struggle to make your website noticeable. It’s important that as a...

How to Make an Online Sports Betting App?

24 Jun 2017
Online betting took wing as early as 1997 when the first internet betting site was launched. Back then it was still a risky business as...

20 Best Creative WordPress Themes 2017

20 Jun 2017
If you are a photographer, artist, musician or any other talanted personality, you will need to add a creative touch to your online presentation. In...

Things To Keep In Mind When Buying A WordPress Theme

13 Jun 2017
Are you about to launch your very first WordPress site but you don’t know how to pick the theme? If that is the case, we...

JS MythBusters - An optimization handbook from a high level point of view

Web Development
04 Jun 2017
Get some more tips and trick for performance optimised Javascript. Here we have a collection of good practices to help you gain back some performance.

28 Facts You Probably Don’t Know About WordPress

27 May 2017
WordPress is a community software, meaning that it is maintained by volunteers from all over the word that have an active interest in growing the...

7 mistakes to avoid while creating an advertisement

19 May 2017
Advertising is an integral part of the business, and one may not be able to achieve the optimum sales without the right advertising. With the...

A Collection of Free Stock Photos That’s Yours to Download

Web Design
18 May 2017
FreePhotos.cc has assembled a collection of high-quality Creative Commons stock forces from several popular sources. These free images have been placed in topical categories (e.g.,...

Benefits and disadvantages of paid and free VPNs

18 May 2017
When trying to save money we tend to neglect our privacy. Cyber crime and bullying are on the rise these days. Online environment is full...

15 Web Design Wireframing Tools

Web Development
11 May 2017
Wireframing is an essential part of the design process of any website. The practice of wireframing involves creating a schematic to show roughly where various...