"Billionaires are just salt of the earth people...in that they own salt mines, and much of the earth, and some people" -S. Colbert
Hat tip to Brad over at Facebook.
"Billionaires are just salt of the earth people...in that they own salt mines, and much of the earth, and some people" -S. Colbert
Hat tip to Brad over at Facebook.
Quote of the Day
"I refuse to believe corporations are people until Texas executes one." - Ara Rubyan
Hat tip to Danny L. over on Facebook.
Via Giulio Manieri over at Facebook.
Not my favourite scene from Mike Leigh's High Hopes. That would be this scene.
Clinging onto the back bumpers for dear life, the SPGB finally climbs aboard the Facebook bandwagon:
Socialist Party of Great Britain Facebook Group Socialist Standard Facebook Group
Feel free to grab onto the toggles of our collective anorak.
Coming Soon:
The SPGB on Twitter . . . but only once it's truly passe.
Further to this old post comes BBC online playing catch up. . .
. . . still waiting on those Japan album covers.
I'd bet my milk bottle top collection that really is JAMC's Jim Reid.
Hat tip to Yadogg. More laugh out loud inspiration over at the Facebook Group dedicated to rescuing vinyl for a meaningful purpose.