Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Friday, January 04, 2008

Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States' 1/8

Following on from the uploading of the Socialist Thinkers Series, I thought I'd turn my attention to posting the audio book of Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, as read by Matt Damon.

It's in eight parts, so please bear with me.

A note of information: though the book of the same name covers the period of 1492 onwards, the audio book focuses on the twentieth century. Part one covers the subject of the Civil Rights Movement, and the earlier period of American-African self-organisation in the twenties and thirties:

DOWNLOAD LINK: A People's History (1 of 8)

FILE NAME: a peoples history 1 of 8.mp3

FILE SIZE: ~34.87 megabytes

LENGTH: 50:47

Further Reading on Howard Zinn:

  • Howard Zinn's Official Website
  • Online text of A People's History of the United States
  • Howard Zinn's 'History' comes to TV
  • Howard Zinn's 'Je Ne Suis Pas Marxiste'
  • Monday, December 24, 2007

    American Leadership and War

    Found via John B's Class Warfare blog.

    Be sure to check out the Maps of War website for much more fascinating multimedia, but in the meantime, I'll let John take up the story of this particular map:

    "I posted this on my previous Revolutionary Act blog site, but somehow lost it when changing sites. I found it a helpful tool at the time - wading into arguments between Democrats and Repukes in Yahoo's US political chat rooms and countering the arguments of democrats that the repukes were the real war mongers. This chart of leadership and war clearly shows that both parties are neck deep in workers' blood, with the Democrats, serving as the executive of US capitalism when in power, coming off as the biggest murderers."

    Thursday, May 03, 2007

    Bill Maher + mustard = funniest joke of the year

    As per usual, Bill Maher is on top form with his New Rules on last week's Real Time With Bill Maher, but 1 minute 24 seconds into the clip below he excelled himself with the funniest joke of the year. Maybe it's just in the telling, or maybe I just have a weirded out sense of humour but I never thought I could laugh so much.