Showing posts with label Cults. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cults. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2009

College Dropout calls out Chairman Bob

Brilliant. Genuine laugh out loud moment on a Friday morning.

Kanye West has a wee alcohol induced outburst at the MTV video awards last Sunday and five days later it's this year's YouTube downfall video.

And you know it has hit critical mass when Chairman Bob Avakian is on the photoshopped end of Kanye's diss. Now, I'm off over to YouTube to find that old clip of Kanye with Mike Myers where he says live on air, "Bob Avakian doesn't care about working class people."

Hat tip to someone over at F/B. More on Chairman Bob here and here.

Oh, and the old photographic evidence that Kanye dismissal of Bob is nothing more than the ultra-left sectarian sniping of a petit-bourgeois anarchist.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tom Cruise extols the virtues of scientology

*UPDATE* - YouTube have pulled the video, but you can see a longer version of the clip over at Gawker.

Apparently, the Church of Scientology aren't too pleased that this clip is doing the rounds on YouTube. I can't say that I can blame them. Cruise comes off as creepier version of his character in Magnolia.

The American Maoists must be kicking themselves that the scientologists got their claws into Cruise before they could. The bloke is in need of a cult.

Hat tip to Harry's Place. And hat tip to HP commentator, DavidMWW, for the info that "KSW = Keeping Scientology Working" and that an "SP" is "Suppressive Person - what you are declared to be if you don't follow KSW." You couldn't make this shit up.

Sorry, a typo. I meant to write: L. Ron Hubbard made this shit up.