Showing posts with label Urban 75. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urban 75. Show all posts

Monday, December 09, 2013

Monday Toonage #10

As soon as I heard this song on Urban 75 the other day - via this viralling video - I always knew this was going to be this week's Monday Toonage, but a few silly spats on Facebook about nothing - politics, since you're wondering - and Fusspot and Drama taking turns at being sick and taking time off school, means that I need this joyous song more than ever. Monday Toonage turning into everyday of the week Toonage. (Neither Kara, nor the kids, approve.)

Maybe it was because of the above linked video, but I did initially think it was some lost Northern Soul classic from back in the day but a google search put me right, and I once again realised how out of touch I am with music released in the last five years. Usually me wallowing in back catalogues doesn't distress me too much, but the thought that I'm missing out on wonderful music like this because I'm not going out of my way to listen to newish music makes me rather miserable. Relying on occasionally stumbling across  good new music via a 30 second snippet of a good song on a quality tv drama is really not going to help me if I spend 2014 catching up on Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife and the 217 tv adaptations of Jane Austen novels in the last 15 years. I need a plan of action and, yet, why I think out of that I immediately think of the mod revivalists Secret Affair from thirty-five years ago. I need a hip nephew and niece somewhere, anywhere, to make me mixtapes but first I'll have to explain to them what a mixtape is.

Back to the toonage . . . the spurious point of this post. The song selected - which you'll already know if you clicked on the link above - is Pharrell Williams' Happy. Joyous and wonderful, and I still feel that despite the fact that apparently it's from a kids film. The gimmick is that he made a 24 hour video of the song, which involves hourly segments on YouTube kicking off with Pharrell performing the song for four and a bit minutes and then it being given over to various people shaking their stuff to the song on loop. From what I've seen, it works, but that's because it's one of those songs that when you first hear it, you want to play it over and over again. Get back to me six months from now to see if I'm still waxing lyrically about it.

The video embedded below is the official cut version of the video, which is a selection of various Pharrell performances, and sundry others lip-synching away like good ones, strutting their stuff and Jimmy Kimmel doing a brilliant impersonation of the stiffest white guy on this planet and a thousand other undiscovered planets peppered across the universe:

As it is a 24 hour video, another wee link for your consideration. Of course, I haven't watched all 24 hours but this particular performance/interpretation caught my eye of those that I have seen. Some great moves in the clip . . . and wee boy's good as well.

And the aforementioned "silly spats on Facebook about nothing", well, as long as I remind myself of this cartoon everyday that I choose to venture on the internet, then I'll be ok. Fine and beano, in fact:

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Toonage #3

This week's choice was inspired by 'The Forgotten Eighties' thread over at Urban 75. The Mersey Mouth's finest three and a half minutes:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

It would also work as a great heckle

OK, I know it's a cheap shot but a funny bit of graffiti, nonetheless.

Snaffled off of Urban 75's 'I'm on ur boardz, wasting ur bandwidthz' thread.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Bungpuss Bagpuss and Arse Face struck a deal

A plus B means that someone's stolen a march on Private Eye this week :

Hat tip to some wag over at Urban 75 for the picture.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Lulzchester #2

Via Urban 75:

"Just heard that the Manchester clubs are jointly releasing a fragrance for Christmas: Channel No.5."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sideshow Goal

Absolutely wonderful goal by Santos's Neymar that was only tarnished by the sight of his bloody awful haircut.

Happy ending, though. A Flamengo inspired Ronaldinho battled back from 3-0 down for a 5-4 victory against Pele's old mob.

If you're not a Alan Hansen wannabe with a dodgy ticker, the goal highlights and defensive lowlights are at the following link.

Hat tip to 'Monkeygrinder's Organ' over at Urban 75.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunk by the Belgrano

A phlegmatic River Plate fan accepts their first ever relegation in the club's history with a restrained good grace.

My father-in-law speaks Spanish. Maybe I should send him the link to ask for a line by line translation?

Hat tip to 'Chip Barm' over at Urban 75.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nothing to Braga about

Before you groan too much at my piss poor pun in the post title, get your laughing gear around this tribute to Arsenal from . . . ahem, The Away Boyz.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll swear that it's so awful that all involved must be season ticket holders at White Hart Lane.

And did you spot the 'celebrities' in the video? Peter Hugo Daley (Mick the drummer from Breaking Glass); Lee Whitlock (it's a few years since Shine On Harvey Moon); and was that Charlie Creed-Miles on the drums in the pub? I guess Spike Lee was washing Nick Hornby's hair that day.

Hat tip to 'Fedayn' over at Urban 75 for the blood now pouring from both my eyes and my ears.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Crass commercialism

Peter the Painter lives! . . . and he can also sort out your guttering.

File under the Man in the Red & Black van.

Hat tip to 'RedEyes' over at Urban 75.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Different Class

This is probably from the Labour stable - don't the cheeky bastards remember Cocaine Socialism? - but I love it nonetheless:

Whatever happens, May 8th I'll still be singing this, though.

Hat tip to Tricky Mickey over at Urban 75.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

. . . with chips and gravy

I'm thinking of you and the things you do to me

That makes me love you, now I'm living in ecstasy

Hey, it's you and the things you do to me

That makes me love you, now I'm living in ecstasy

How the hell did I forgot this culinary delight? I must have ate enough of them down the years that I'd be sweating the gravy out of my pores on a hot New York afternoon.

Just googled. I can't find them anywhere in New York. Not even at Tea and Sympathy. There's an online store trying to sell them for nearly five dollars! The whole point about Fray Bentos pies were that they were both cheap and nutritious.

I'll need to go find me Brooklyn's Uruguayan community and befriend someone under false pretences.

Hat tip to someone on Urban 75 for providing me with the instant foodie flashback.

Lest we forget:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Can you name the top 200 Premier League goalscorers?

Too much hair on your head? Can't afford a haircut?

Take the 'Can you name the top 200 Premier League goalscorers?' quiz and you will have torn out half your hair in a matter of minutes. I spent five minutes hitting the table top whilst trying to remember the name of a current Premiership striker who scores every bastard week.

Oh, and word of forewarning; don't go near the various well know Scandinavian and Dutch forwards of yesteryear unless you have the patience of a saint and the spelling chops of one of those geeks from Spellbound.

I scored 77/200. You can do better.

Hat tip to 'kained and able' on urban 75.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tricots for goalposts

Diplomatic incident between the Republics of France and Ireland over the small matter of Sarkozy and last night's World Cup play-off game in Dublin.

Hat tip to a Urban 75er.