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'Vile' man convicted, loses $800 after he admits urinating on woman at gig

A concertgoer who urinated on a woman at a Spiderbait gig has had his bid to avoid a criminal record knocked back and instead been convicted and docked $800.

Joel Ryan Morrison previously denied urinating on Belle Nolan at a Melbourne gig on February 26 last year, but on Tuesday admitted to his crime in the hope he would be put on Melbourne Magistrates Court's diversion program, which spares first-time offenders a criminal record.

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CCTV shows man who urinated on woman at Melbourne concert

Footage released shows a man wanted by police for allegedly urinating on a woman at a Spiderbait concert earlier this year.

But magistrate Franz Holzer said a diversion was inappropriate and a sterner penalty was more apt.

"I'm going to refuse the application ... the matters are frankly disgusting," Mr Holzer said.

Mr Holzer instead imposed a conviction and put Morrison on a 12-month good behaviour bond with a condition he pay $800 to charity.

Morrison, 26, pleaded guilty to displaying disorderly conduct and behaving in an offensive manner. A charge of unlawful assault was withdrawn.


Ms Nolan had consented to Morrison being spared a criminal record provided he apologise and complete a course on changing behaviour. She was disappointed Morrison was not required to take part in the program, but pleased he owned up and with the penalties the magistrate imposed.

"I didn't like the way it made me feel about myself. I've always been a strong, independent woman but I found that after this happened it lowered my self-esteem," she said.

"I've been quite traumatised by it."

The court heard Morrison was drunk when he urinated on Ms Nolan's leg and ankle at 170 Russell about 10.35pm near the stage. Security immediately threw Morrison outside, and police later released CCTV footage of him being ejected.

Defence counsel Andrew Halse acknowledged Morrison's act was "disgusting", but said his client was remorseful and had been publicly shamed even though he couldn't remember what he did.

Morrison drank 10 cans of beer before he arrived at the gig, the court heard.

"He has got to live with that public outrage of his behaviour," Mr Halse said.

"The level of intoxication doesn't excuse it, but it does provide some explanation how someone got themselves in this predicament. He was clearly not in the right mind at the time."

Morrison had since moderated his alcohol consumption, but Mr Holzer said he was surprised there had not been any involvement in a program.

In refusing the diversion, the magistrate asked Morrison to put himself in Ms Nolan's position.

"The last thing she would have expected is for the matter we are talking about. It is vile," he said.

"It's horrible and degrading and deserves the strongest condemnation."

Ms Nolan was with a friend when she was urinated on, and said she turned and saw Morrison shrug his shoulders with a smirk on his face. She screamed at him in shock, she said.

Afterwards, she had strong support from family and friends, but people on social media joked about the incident and minimised its effect on her.

"It was a really horrible experience," she said.

"I find it hard to believe someone could get that drunk to do that in a public place," she said.

"I have younger brothers and I'd be appalled if they ever did something like this."

The members of Spiderbait have previously written of their disgust at learning what happened.