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Last Updated: Wednesday, 2 May 2007, 12:44 GMT 13:44 UK
Liverpool's penalty hero burgled
Pepe Reina
Reina was the hero of Liverpool's victory over Chelsea
Liverpool FC's heroic goalkeeper Pepe Reina was burgled on Tuesday night as he was helping send the club through to the Champions League final.

The 24-year-old Spaniard saved two out of three spot kicks in a penalty shoot-out against Chelsea at Anfield.

But he returned from celebrating the win in the early hours of Wednesday to find his home in Woolton, Liverpool, had been ransacked.

A number of high value items and the player's Porsche Cayenne were taken.

Paperwork taken

The grey-coloured car - which has Spanish number plates - was found burnt out in Feltwood Walk at 0630 BST.

Merseyside Police said the burglary happened sometime between 1900 BST on Tuesday and 0045 BST on Wednesday.

Officers were called to the address at 0145 BST after Reina discovered the break-in.

The goalkeeper, who joined Liverpool in the summer of 2005, does not want to comment on the incident.

As well as the car, officers said paperwork, jewellery, and a Bang and Olufsen entertainment system were taken.

Footballers targeted

Reina is the latest in a line of footballers who play in the city to be targeted by burglars, often while they were taking part in matches.

The home of his fellow Liverpool goalkeeper Jerzy Dudek was burgled in June 2006 while he was on holiday in Poland. His Porsche, jewellery and football memorabilia were taken by thieves.

Daniel Agger, who scored for Liverpool on Tuesday night, had his home in Wirral burgled in September 2006.

In the same month, Reds striker Peter Crouch's house in Alderley Edge was hit by thieves while he was on England duty.

Meanwhile, Dutchman Andy Van der Meyde - who plays for Everton - was burgled twice in 2006.

Reds chief mocks beaten Chelsea
02 May 07 |  Liverpool
Police find football memorabilia
04 Oct 06 |  Merseyside
Man spared prison for Dudek haul
04 Sep 06 |  Merseyside

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