Showing posts with label Calvin and Hobbes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calvin and Hobbes. Show all posts

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hobbesian Choice

For all that I truly admire Bill Waterson for his steadfast and principled refusal to cave into the cash cow that would be the merchandising of his wonderful Calvin & Hobbes comic strip, looking through various websites tonight with Kara, I couldn't help but wish once again that he would cave in a little and sanction some limited releases. Just for kids, mind; adults can continue to settle for the pirated versions of the Calvin & Hobbes genius doing the rounds on a street corner near you.

Thought we'd lucked out on a compromise when we stumbled across the brilliant T shirt pictured below on the bottom right (the original is on the left) but it turns out that the smallest size available is 29-31 chest (inches).

How many times do you have to put that on boil wash before it shrinks down to a size comfortable for ages 3-6 months? We've got about 4 1/2 months to come up with a definitive answer.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Stripped Down Genius

I've already said my piece on the blog before about the genius of Calvin and Hobbes.

Therefore, people just have to proceed to Progressive Boink for another 24 examples of Bill Watterson's cartoon excellence.

Found via Ally's 'No Time To talk About . . . .' section at Perspective

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Fessin' Up Time

First time I ever came across the brilliant cartoons that make up Calvin and Hobbes was in an issue of the old council communist/autonomist zine 'Proletarian Gob'*. For three months after the event I was walking around thinking that the bloke behind 'Proletarian Gob' was a fucking genius, until one day I walked into a branch of Waterstones bookshop, and saw that there was this bloke called Bill Waterson who was the genius.

The image is nicked from here. Beg, borrow or recycle. I have no shame.

*The ultra-leftist trainspotters among you please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure that 'Proletarian Gob' was a zine produced out of Berkshire by a bloke who was also associated with the new defunct group Subversion. I think it may also be the same bloke who wrote this critique of the SPGB a couple of years back.