Federal Politics

Calls for Joyce to drop lobbyist from board nomination

Barnaby Joyce has been urged to drop the nomination for Perin Davey to the Murray Darling Basin Authority's board.

Federal-state tensions over water issues have escalated with South Australia demanding Barnaby Joyce, the federal water minister, drop his nomination of an irrigation lobbyist to the Murray Darling Basin Authority's board.

UN says immigration officials screened refugees for reunions

Refugee Abdul Aziz Muhamat, 25, from Sudan, has been in Papua New Guinea for nearly four years.

Immigration officials helped conduct interviews for possible family reunions from Nauru and Manus Island, the United Nations refugee agency has said, appearing to bolster its claim the Turnbull government was considering resettling some refugees.

Labor to embrace NBN rollout compromise

Kerb enthusiasm: Labor says it needs to accept the "realities on the ground" of the National Broadband Network.

Labor is preparing to put a compromise technology known as fibre-to-the-kerb at the centre of its plans for the National Broadband Network should it win the next election.