MAGPIE DAILY – January 24 – Showpaper Benefit

Showpaper Benefit  with Asa Ransom, Sigmund Droid, the Muggabears, and Nymph @ 92Y Tribeca, 8pm, $7-20 sliding-scale donation 

The Showpaper has been covering all-ages shows in the NYC and tri-state area for almost two years and has turned into a huge success.  It’s a simple formula, and a magnificent idea: a huge list of all-ages d.i.y. shows, absurdist horoscopes, a hipster-kid “I saw you” section and consistently rad artwork printed every two weeks and distributed to coffee shops/venues/etc. to keep your broke, (possibly underage?) ass in the loop.

But printing 10,000 copies without any advertising or other commercial support isn’t easy.  Showpaper stays afloat because of volunteers, donations, and revenues made at the benefit shows that they throw every two weeks.  Help the Showpaper help you by coming out to 92Y Tribeca and checking out Asa Ransom, Sigmund Droid, the Muggabears, and Nymph.

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