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Drone footage captures monster croc feasting on fully grown cow

Hannah Barry

Published: July 25 2017 - 12:36PM

A Queensland man has described the moment he captured amazing footage of a five-metre crocodile lunch on a fully grown cow while out fishing on the Ord River in the Kimberley last week.

Justin Lorrimer joined local Kununnura fishing company Northbound Charters for a relaxing day of barramundi fishing on Friday morning, and hoped to post video of his trip to his family's Facebook page.

He had been out on the water for some time filming a promotional video when the group spotted the five metre monster drag a cow from an Ord River bank.

 "I had all the camera gear, so when we saw the croc it was a no-brainer to film it," Mr Lorrimer said.

The fishermen sent up a drone to hover over the animal, and Mr Lorrimer said the group watched as the crocodile swam with the cow in its jaws for "a couple of kilometres".

"[What surprised us] was just how big the crocodile looks from above- it was amazing!" he said.


Mr Lorrimer said he believed the animal eventually got "the sh-ts" with the drone hovering over its head, and attempted to pull the cow underwater.

The crocodile was unsuccessful, and the fishermen were able to get an up close look at the damage done by the massive beast.

The cow appeared to have been decapitated, and had bite marks around its neck.

"[It was] an amazing display of how powerful these big creatures are," Mr Lorrimer said.

When asked if he had any advice for those who might be planning a quick dip in the Ord to cool off from Kununurra's sweltering temperatures, Mr Lorrimer laughed.

"Tell them they're dreamin'."

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/drone-footage-captures-monster-croc-feasting-on-fully-grown-cow-20170725-gxiakq.html