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Posted Thursday, September 03, 2009 5:23 PM

Obama's Speech Will Corrupt Your Children. Not.

Katie Connolly

Just when you thought August recess couldn't get any wackier, conservative talk show hosts have stirred up a hornets' nest over President Obama's planned speech to the nation's schoolchildren next Tuesday. Obama plans to tout the value of education, encouraging kids to work hard and stay in school. But now, after working themselves up into a frenzy over death panels and Nazi symbols, conservative critics are inspiring a new wave of madness, calling the speech a political recruiting tool and partisan propaganda. Florida Republican Chairman Jim Greer took an incredible leap of logic, saying that Obama intends to "indoctrinate America's children to his socialist agenda."

According to newspaper reports in Texas, Florida, and Colorado, parents have called local schools requesting that their children be excused from viewing the speech or threatening to keep their kids home if the speech is shown in their classrooms. The Associated Press reports that school districts in six states - including the President's home state of Illinois - will refrain from showing the speech to students. In response to concerns, the White House has taken the unusual step of promising to make Obama's remarks available a full 24 hours before he delivers the speech at an Arlington, Va., high school. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has written to teachers encouraging them to incorporate the speech into their lesson plans, using the president's message about hard work as a learning tool. But, in reaction to concerns from parents, some schools have decided that the speech won't be discussed at all in their classrooms, leaving it up to parents to decide whether the speech merits a conversation with adults.

All of this raises a few questions: What happened to classrooms as venues of learning, where ideas are explained and debated? Isn't it the exact job of schools to turn out young citizens who are informed and engaged enough to be full participants in political discourse? Since when should we be directing schools to shield children from history, politics, and culture? If a speech by the president of the United States isn't a legitimate pedagogical device, then I'm not sure what is. No one is demanding that the president's words not be dissented from or challenged; indeed working through differing views is a critical part of our educational process.


It's not unusual for presidents to visit schools when promoting policies, as George W. Bush did when he passed No Child Left Behind. Mostly it's been considered a privilege and a learning opportunity to have an important political figure speak to children. Political candidates often use schools as a backdrop for their education pitches. And it won't be the first time teachers have turned on a TV so students can witness important political moments. The notion that letting children hear the president speak is worthy of fear seems antithetical to America's democratic values. Moreover, the subject matter should be something that people of all political stripes agree on: education should be prized, working hard should be valued, and staying in school helps kids getting ahead. Have we really gotten to a point where parents are afraid of having the president impart those messages? It's been one crazy summer.

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Member Comments

Posted By: qianshui (September 5, 2009 at 9:06 PM)

This is about the STUPIDEST thing I have seen in a very long time.  

To those of you who live and breathe within the sway of conservative radio land…take a good long look in the mirror over this one.  

To Obama and the democrats…do you need any more proof?  Like Bill Mahrer says, it is the sentient beings versus the lizard people.  Take the reigns we gave you in the last election and roll over these very stupid people.    

Posted By: thehappyamerican (September 5, 2009 at 2:58 PM)

I think it's the EDUCATORS who are corrupted by these lefty feely side shows. And I believe a lot of educators could agree!

Posted By: MJ000777 (September 5, 2009 at 1:53 AM)

dlonken: " I certainly respect your right to have your a matter of can run around the whole country spewing hate and screaming "communist!!!  communist!!! "

So basically you are okay with people who acknowledge they are Communists being in the inside of the President's circle. That is your right as an American who doesn't mind Communism.

dlonken:  "I would like to ask you a question and you don't have to be honest with me but I challenge you to be honest with yourself.  Didn't you pretty much have your mind made up last November  that you were going to hate anything Obama tried to do for this country and are desperately hoping for him and this country to fail?"

I knew in November what kind of politician and person Obama was, so I knew I would be against most of his policies.  Now had he come out and pushed for tax cuts for small businesses and more sizable cuts for individuals as part of the stimulus bill to help stimulate the economy I would have supported him on that and we would be closer to getting out of this recession than we currently are. Had he not supported the Cap and Trade bill then I would support him there. If he were for drilling for oil within the US I would have supported him.  Had he not taken the Middle East and European Apology Tours then  I probably would have supported him more.  I don't know what the hell is going on in Afghanistan, and I don't think Obama does either. I hope he succeeds there some how, some way. Maybe it is time to get out of that Quagmire.  Ilegal Aliens -Open Borders, Illegal Aliens - Open Borders..Geeez!  And you know many Liberals wanted Bush to fail everyday, and the Liberal politicians certainly made every effort to beat him up as much as possible even about the war we Won in Iraq. I criticized bush on plenty of things including the illegal aliens - Open Borders issue.

I do want much of what Obama is trying to do to fail because I know if it fails then ultimately America will come out stronger for it. Many (Probably most now) do not want More European style socialist policies in the US; we have reached our Limit. If you want those kind of policies,  then that is your right. And it is my right to voice my opinion against it. And yes you and Rachel Donnn can make fun of me, but you still have not proven me wrong. My ideas are conservative, so of course a true LIberal like Obama could never adopt such policies. But Bill Clinton signed many bills that were written by conservatives after his Hillarycare debacle and it saved his Presidency.  Either Obama moves to the right or he is a One Termer. Even if does move right he might be too damaged and be a One Termer anyway.  So maybe he should stay the course....1000 pts of light....stay the course.

It is not all Obama's fault (Reid, Pelosi, Bush, etc. bare some blame also), but the buck does Stop at him now.  Open your eyes or are you one of the True Committed Leftist or a paid Obama blogger?

"It's the Economy Stupid"

~Clinton Campaign 1992