Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sick Fucks

Would you like a standing ovation on an American talk show? Just talk of 'our troops', and you will raise the roof every time.

I know that in the great scheme of things that this clip doesn't mean a lot amongst the deaths and the carnage of Iraq, but the mean spiritedness really sticks in my throat. The fact that the sick fucks made a video of the episode only maddens me further. File under misanthropy.

Hat tip to Pandagon for the clip.


Vie Marshall said...

How desperate must those children be for clean water to run THAT far for 1 litre?

Water is a basic human necessity and for supposed grown men to torment those infants in that way is utterly despicable. It’s an abuse of their positions and abuse of those children. Even wild animals would know better!

crashturner said...

What c@#ts. You made the child run for that long for what so when you dash it out your vehicle other kids get it?

You wonder why they hate Westerners?

Jothika said...

This disgusts me...what is your source for this footage? Is this incident being investigated?

FluidMagazine said...

It doesn't take a genius to figure this shit is WRONG.

ashling said...

this video makes me cry
and then i get angry


John said...

Don't hate the players, hate the game. War makes victims of the warriors, too. These troopers started out as good people who probably enlisted courageously to come to the defence of their country after 9/11. Their training and experience under fire has obviously desensitized them to the humanity of the Iraqi people. Remember: "There is a worker on each end of the bayonette"

Darren said...


that's a fair point you make.

I hope at some point they actually recognise the cruelty of their actions.

Dr. Clitterhouse said...

Regardless of whether they have been desensitized or not, their actions are unforgivable. The same excuse is used in every war to take responsibility from the individual and assign it to the "state" or to the abstract notion of "war." While what these particular men did is not comparable to the actions of the Nazi's, we are seeing the same mentality at play. The plain and simple fact of the matter is that these soldiers made the choice to do what they did. By justifying it as the "result" of "war," you not only make these pathetic excuses for soldiers into victims, you fail to recognize those many soldiers who are strong, decent and would NEVER attempt to justify the actions of men like those in this video.

Dr. Clitterhouse said...

Regardless of whether they have been desensitized or not, their actions are unforgivable. The same excuse is used in every war to take responsibility from the individual and assign it to the "state" or to the abstract notion of "war." While what these particular men did is not comparable to the actions of the Nazi's, we are seeing the same mentality at play. The plain and simple fact of the matter is that these soldiers made the choice to do what they did. By justifying it as the "result" of "war," you not only make these pathetic excuses for soldiers into victims, you fail to recognize those many soldiers who are strong, decent and would NEVER attempt to justify the actions of men like those in this video.