Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits out now


Hi Everyone,

I can’t believe after 18 months the release day has finally arrived. I cannot tell you what an amazing journey this has been with many sleepless nights wondering whether I could pull it off. Luckily for me, Laura Barnett is a force of goodness and Romeo who produced and Dave who engineered and mixed and all the band were so supportive and talented that we did it!  Hooray.

I can’t wait to play these songs live to you all x

In the meantime, we have beautiful CDs - one if which is a special limited hardback book cover and a … wait for it …. double album on vinyl. The book was out yesterday and it is such an amazing experience to live Cass’ life through the book and then seethe inspiration for the songs. Such a unique experience in my opinion x

Love as ever and if you can pass on the music.
Kath xx

Listen to ‘Songs From The Novel Greatest Hits’ here

Listen to the first song from my collaboration with Laura Barnett

I am so happy to finally reveal the first song from the collaboration between myself and Laura Barnett, ‘Common Ground’ from the album accompanying the novel ‘Greatest Hits’. After hearing me on Cerys Matthews show, Laura asked if I would “make real” and bring to life this Greatest Hits album from the novel. It sounded impossible… so I said yes.

Laura’s new novel ‘Greatest Hits’ is set in one day when the character and fictional singer-songwriter Cass Wheeler is looking over her life while compiling a greatest hits… each track corresponds to a chapter in the novel, which marks a different era in the character’s life.

Writing and singing as Cass, this album follows her from the 1970s through to 2015. ‘Common Ground’ is the first song Cass is really proud of. It reveals on her first album “the state that she is in”. It deals with the memory of Cass being left by her mother who strides out to make a new life.

I am so pleased to finally be getting this out. It is produced by Romeo Stodart and features a stellar band.

Listen to Common Ground premiering on Folk Radio here

Pre-order the album ‘Songs from the Novel Greatest Hits’ here


Songs from the Novel Greatest Hits


A few months ago I got a call. It was from someone I’d never met. That person was Laura Barnett . She had heard me in Cerys Matthews show talking about my album Hypoxia which came from a writing commission and was inspired by Sylvia Plath’s book The Bell Jar.

She had thought up a crazy idea from hearing me talk about working with an author (albeit a dead one). Her novel Greatest Hits, which was just about finished, was about a fictional songwriter looking back on her life via the songs of her career. “What if the songs were real songs?” This sounded impossible, undoable, insane… so I said yes straight away.

Since then Laura and I have embarked on a journey of laughter, tears and many spooky moments of thinking the same thing, singing the same note, and finishing each other’s sentences. Now the songs are written and I am going into the studio with some very special people to make the record that came from this project. Songs from the Novel Greatest Hits will be released with the novel in June 2017.

Keep you posted with all the news.
love, kath

More info on my collaboration with Laura here.

Resonator is out now!

Resonator - my new album with Anthony Kerr - is out today!

It is a wonderful record that I am proud of. So much thanks to all of you for staying in touch, and being so supportive. In these crazy times you focus on the important things, and I realise I am very lucky to be still making albums and touring. Here’s to lucky record 13 Xxx

Love as always,
Kath x

Listen to Resonator here

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