Showing posts with label Brooklyn Peace Fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brooklyn Peace Fair. Show all posts

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Do They Mean Us? #14

"The Labour Party, Trades Council and the STUC . . . were largely responsible for securing the biggest postwar demonstration in Glasgow till then, at the start of the 1960s. Incidentally, that was the demonstration that produced the slogan to end all sectarian slogans. Just as we were turning round the corner of Sauchiehall Street two grim stalwarts of the Socialist Party of Great Britain were standing heralding the march with a huge banner and slogan which read: ‘This demonstration is useless – You must first destroy capitalism.” [Janet and Norman Buchan, “The Campaign in Scotland”, in The CND Story, edited by Hohn Minnion and Philip Bolsover, 1983, p. 53.]

Dusting down an old series as a stop gap for the blog. Truth is that bloggers block has kicked in as I am too busy wishing that I was at this Conference 3470 miles away. *Sigh*.

I originally read the quote cut and pasted above years ago in an old copy of the Socialist Standard. It's definitely SPGB old skool. How could it not be? What with the incident involving the original 'Cold Water Brigade, Glasgow Branch, and dating from the height of the first wave of the nuclear disarmament, it reinforces all the preconceptions held against us by the 'Do something NOW?' brigade, and also makes our (few) political friends wince in partial recognition.

Part of me would love to pretend that we're not really like this - or that we've mellowed down the years - but sometimes you have to put your hands up to the fact that it's best to be blunt about such matters. Over forty years later and there's three of us doing a stall at the recent Brooklyn Peace Fair, and what's our opening line to the people hovering by our stall?:

"If you want to get rid of war, you have to get rid of capitalism."

The haircuts and the clobber may have changed down the years, but the patter's just the same.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Fifth Annual Brooklyn Peace Fair

5th Annual Brooklyn Peace Fair
Saturday April 26

11:00 am–6:00 pm

Long Island University

Brooklyn Campus

Flatbush & DeKalb Avenues

Just a quick word to say that the World Socialist Party (US) will be doing a stall a tomorrow's Brooklyn Peace Fair.

The Fair is in its fifth year and it will be the third time that we have tabled at the event. There'll be lots of stalls, lots of meetings and lots of performers.

If you're in the neighbourhood, you should pop along, check it out and say hello.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Crisis Averted


Looks like the Celtic versus R*ngers has been pushed back to the Sunday. Brilliant news.

That means that I can have the combined experience of the cold shoulder from the Brooklyn peaceniks on the Saturday when they see the 'S' word plastered all across the stall and then, on the Sunday, the follow up of witnessing the ignominy of R*ngers cadging a jammy result at Parkhead whilst I'm sipping on a lukewarm coffee in a bar in Manhattan.

Throw in a weekender of listening to Leonard Cohen albums alternating with Red House Painters albums, and I'll come up smiling on Monday morning.

I'm the happiest SPGBer in New York. Gad-zooks, I'm the only living SPGBer in New York.

S'not Fair

The bastard gods are conspiring against me.

Last night Celtic get a result against the forces of footballing darkness and now I'm succumbing to Reidski's patter about Celtic having a chance of snatching sweet victory from the jaws of rancid defeat. So what's my problem?

Only that Celtic are playing R*ngers again on the 26th when a victory for the Bhoys would really contribute to squeaky bum time for Wally and Ally's smarmy army.

And rather than me nursing a lukewarm coffee at nine in the morning in a 'oirish' bar in Manhattan - whilst watching the game through my fingers - on that day, I'll be getting my arse in gear for doing a stall for the WSPUS at this year's Brooklyn's Peace Fair. Surely there's something in the small print of the Faustian pact I signed with the SPGB/WSM all those years ago about a conflicting situation such as this?

What would Julius Martov* have done in the same circumstances?

* I'm pegging Martov as a Fenerbahçe fan. Makes sense, as they were formed the same year - 1907 - as yet another falling out between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. I bet Lenin was one of those politico wankers who would have argued that footie was a diversionary tactic from revolution. Yes, you know who you are.