Monday, May 17, 2010

The Likely Lads (1976)


mikeovswinton said...

Is this the one where the lads end up in a car going one way up the road between Newcastle and Berwick, with the lasses heading the other way? Another that I saw several times back in the day. How many thumbs does it get, then Darren? "Praise Marx...." its not, but I think I laughed when I saw it at Unit 4.

Darren said...

"Is this the one where the lads end up in a car going one way up the road between Newcastle and Berwick, with the lasses heading the other way? "

It is.

Not one of the better film adaptations of a sitcom which seemed to be the staple of the British film industry in the seventies. (I think the only one that worked was the Porridge film adaptation.)

The one thing going for the film was the lack of sentimentality for the 'good old days' on the part of Terry Collier. Now that is old fashioned.

Stick with the dvds of the tv series and, if you can, check out the novelisation of Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads. Now, that did work.

gray said...

I've never seen the Likely Lads. I thoroughly enjoyed "When the Boat Comes In" when Danish TV ran the entire series back in 94/5. Bolam's Jack was such a wonderful character; I also enjoyed the attempt at recreating the early ILP/Labour days, although "workerist" might be directed at the portrayels. What did you make of the series?

Apropos workerism - my favourite guy of the election was an elderly gent from Gallowshield who, on radio five live, with his broad accent, said: I've voted Labour all my life, worked down t'pit for 32 years, and am never voting Labour again! There was something surreal about hearing this fellow brother of toil. Rather like that line from "Brassed Off": "A miner?" "You remember - dinosaurs, dodos....miners."