Friday, June 18, 2010


Three Lions . . . Two Points . . . One Goal.


mikeovswinton said...

Engalnd were nearly as bad as France the night before. Capello must be thanking the lord that it was Algeria they made look good and not the Mexicans, who would have beaten them I suspect. Discovered from the Manchester Evening News that Capello likes and Italian restaurant in Manchester that I quite like as well. I imagined the conversation he might might have next time he goes if he happens to bump into Domenech in there. (Erikson fave Italian is actually in Swinton. True.)

Darren said...

I only watched the game in bits and pieces. Believe or not, I'm not one of those celtic lefty types who's never happier when England come unstuck.

I'd love Rooney to have a decent tournament. For all his petulant outburst after the Algeria game - what a prick for that wee incident - I think he's a wonderful player.

As much as I loathe the links of Cole (A.), Terry, Lampard and others I wouldn't begrudge England if they had a decent a World Cup. I just don't think they cut it. They'll probably Slovenia, though. Despite their whinging England have more luck than most when it comes to football tournaments.

I see Bolton have three players at the World Cup. Is that a first? Celtic has settle for Samaras and Ki.

mikeovswinton said...

Last time round we had at least two - Jahdi for Tunisia and a Mexican striker. Bear in mind that one of our players in this time didn't actually start a single game for us this season (Shittu) and when Cahill was out Owen C played a right back ahead of him. Another - Stu Holden for the USA - had just got into the side when one of the more cultured Holland players, N De Jong - broke his shin with an exquisitely timed tackle in an international friendly. So he only played about 4 or 5 games. Chong Yong Lee played the entire season pretty much straight after playing the entire Korean season.I suspect Shittu will be with a championship side again next season. Or maybe in the SPL? Could be a good bet for you or the Rangers, perhaps.

mikeovswinton said...

Apparently Nakata of Japan was with us in 96 so that was 3. That said wikipedia doesn't list the other 2, and certainly the Mexican (can't remember his name) and Nakata, who I think played for Celtic as well briefly, only played in the 05/06 season when we were in Europe.

Darren said...

Borgetti was the Mexican player. Scored a sombrero full of goals until he got to Bolton.

Nakata never played for Celtic - according to wiki - but I wouldn't have said no. He was a class player.

I've got a soft spot for Holden since I found out he was born in Aberdeen. That's my straw and I'm clinging to it.

mikeovswinton said...

A lot of players score a lot of goals until they get to the Prem. Nakata was OK but his lack of the sort of pace you need in the Prem meant he was always picking up bookings for being late in the tackle.
Its very hard to predict who will make it in the Prem. One year we picked up a striker and took a centre half called Florent Laville as a makeweight. Injury meant he had to play against Man U. He had a stormer and was never out of the side until he got an injury that ended his career. Yet when he was signed quite a few fans missed that we'd picked him up.
My own view is that the attributes required for the Prem are now actually playing against the England side in this World Cup, but its a long convoluted argument based around the pace and power being such as to discourage the kind of accuracy needed in the kind of football you get in the Finals.