Showing posts with label Tommy Sheridan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tommy Sheridan. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Twisted sisters and a bandy legged brother*

Via Next Left Notes video footage of the IWW's March Against Wage Slavery on MLK Day:

"NEW YORK -- January 19, 2009. On Martin Luther King Jr Day 2009, the IWW rallied outside Starbucks' regional headquarters on Fifth Avenue before marching to Wild Edibles, to demand justice for the truck drivers who were fired by the food supplier after attempting to start a union. Along the way - the Rude Mechanical Orchestra provided the backbeat."

*The 'brother' bit is a sure indication that I've been watching far too much Celebrity Big Brother this year.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

For my next trick, I'll be solving cryptic crosswords . . .

Bill Shankly Socialism T Shirt update

I was (half) right. Quick blogsearch reveals that it was Sheridan who was wearing the T shirt in the CBB house:

"Tommy has already been using the show to promote his left-wing beliefs.

Yesterday he wore a sweatshirt with legendary Liverpool boss Bill Shankly's famous socialism quote.

His jumper read: "The socialism I believe in is everybody working for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards.

"That's how I see football, that's how I see life." (Via The Sunday Mail)

Philosophy Football will be minted after that wee plug from TS.

Hunting four Shankly

Has Bill Shankly died or something?

The sitemeter keeps throwing up hits from people who've found the blog via typing in 'bill shankly t shirt socialism' into the google search engine. Poor bastards are looking for this, but instead they're stumbling across this past doggerel from the vaults of the blog.

Yes, I did have the t shirt - the long sleeved version - and rather than it making the intended everyman political statement, it looked more like I was going to a fancy dress party dressed as a post box.

A Thought

What's the odds that either Tommy Sheridan or Terry Christian have been talking about or wearing the Shankly socialist T shirt in the Celebrity Big Brother Household? I'm guessing the former as Sheridan's a hun by all accounts and TC is a Man Utd supporter.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Once Green Field of Caroline Street

Somewhere in the draft section of the blog is a post about the impending by-election in Glasgow East. Usual story: the bloggers block headed me off before I could slam my palm down on the publish button.

Whatever the excuse, I do declare an interest with regards to the by-election: until boundaries were redrawn before the last General Election, part of what is now the Glasgow East seat was once part of the old Glasgow Shettleston Parliamentary Constituency, which is where both sides of my family are from.

Shettleston was one of those heartland Labour seats where they could put a Red Rosette on a kewpie doll and it would win by a landslide, but Glasgow East has become front and centre in British political news since the sitting MP, David Marshall, resigned his seat suddenly due to 'health reasons'. What with the Labour Government recently receiving a drubbing in both the Crewe & Nantwich and Henley by-elections, many political commentators are trying to talk up the story that if Labour were to lose the Glasgow East seat (to the SNP) on the 24th it would be the death knell to Gordon Brown's Premiership.

Of course political commentators have to run with that story. How else are they going to paint political intrigue in the coming weeks? It's the obvious angle to take, despite the fact that, outside of Brown himself falling on his sword, there's no obvious or plausible alternative scenario whereby someone other than Brown might lead the Labour Party at the next General Election.

There's no stalking horse in place to stand against Brown if worst case scenario happens for Labour and they lose the seat. (Would someone who could secure the support of a fifth of the PLP to trigger a leadership election really put themselves forward as a stalking horse?) Other attempts could be made to try and find parallels with both the fag end of the Thatcher years, and of the later Tory Government years. Where's the Heseltine like-heavyweight, brooding, bristling and waiting on the sidelines for his or her opportunity to finally ascend to the top of the greasy pole? Didn't you notice. Brown was the Heseltine figure on the Labour benches ever since that now famous carve up at the Granita restaurant back in 1994.

What about the possibility of one of the young turks, such as either of the Miliband brothers, Purnell or Balls breaking ranks and standing against Brown? I can't see it happening, to be honest. They've got enough problems as it is with the possibility that one of them will be the Labour in opposition's version of William Hague in the coming years. That's not an attractive proposition whatever way you look at it.

What does this all mean for the Labour Government? As it currently stands, it's a dead party walking. The musty whiff of an administration running out of steam, ideas and confidence is now overwhelming and it gets more over powering each and every day, as another financial scandal concerning a Labour hack arrives on the front page, to be followed by the six o'clock news headlines of economic figures that indicate Britain's heading towards recession, and what was once upon a time the 'Strange Death of Tory Britain' narrative has long since been replaced by a 'Strange Death of New Labour Britain' narrative.

To paraphrase (and bowdlerise) one of SWP's get quick rich slogans from a few years back, for the political chattering classes, we're now living in the 1990s in fast forward motion.

What does this all mean for the voters (and much more numerous non-voters) of Glasgow East? One of the poorest Parliamentary constituencies in Britain will get its three weeks in the media sun. TV and Print journalists will be tripping over themselves and their metaphors to describe the poverty and the apathy amongst the people in the area, and much speculation will be made of what happens next in the Westminster Village if Labour lose a seat in a part of the world they took for granted forty years ago. ComeJuly 25th, the media bandwagon will have moved on, and the poverty and apathy will still be in place.

The emptiness and meaninglessness of it all is disheartening for even a cynic like myself. Part of me wishes a repeat of the 1978 Glasgow Garscadden by-election result. It's less of a rendering of a 'plague on all your houses' and more of a 'confusion on all your houses' half-hearted gibe. That'd give the political class something to chatter about for a few more weeks, and they could leave the rest of us in peace and quiet.

Friday, January 11, 2008

They Blog, So I Don't Have To


Via Leftpost blog comes the intriguing news that The Beatles recorded a track as long ago as 1962 in support of Tommy Sheridan. On reflection, it does makes sense and not just because of Lennon's protest music in the early seventies. Hamburg and Manchester should have been twinned if the film, Backbeat, has any veracity to it.


No truth in the rumour that Tommy's partner, Gail, is returning the compliment with a cover version of 'Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey'.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Solidarity - an inside view

Just to want to flag up an interesting contribution from Graham Cee Campbell, who was the Glasgow Convener for Solidarity from December 2006 till June 2007, to the Sheridan's Solidarity Falls Apart post on the Socialist Unity Blog.

Word of warning. There's no dirt, gossip or sticking the political boot into the opposition in the contribution (well maybe a bit of the political boot aimed at CWI members within Solidarity), but I did think it was an interesting read for filling in the gaps in my understanding on what's been going on in Solidarity since the early days of its formation, and Sheridan missing out in retaining his seat in the Scottish Parliament at the 2007 elections.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Scottish SWP's Popular Front Of Especial Spite

Further to this earlier post on the blog.

Following the sighting of this article in today's Herald, it looks like their Chief Scottish Political Correspondent, Robbie Dinwoodie, has been refreshing the Socialist Unity Blog page. It's a shame that he couldn't have the netiquette to at least namecheck the blog that provides him with the story.

Btw, it turns out that in a past life Robbie Dinwoodie was a callow youth in the Edinburgh Branch of the SPGB in the early seventies. To paraphrase that old story about Pete Best, 'Where did it all go right?'

Friday, December 21, 2007

Solidarity at Christmas

  • Via the Socialist Unity Blog, comes the news that The Scottish Steering Committee of the Socialist Workers Party have decided to do a rewrite of 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. New proposed title for the caledonian version of the 1930s classic self-help book? 'Chib Them Before They Chib You'
  • Via the Glasgow Herald - and the left blogosphere - comes the news that Solidarity only elected representative, Glasgow City Council member, Ruth Black, has defected from Solidarity to join the Labour Party. Being a person of the deepest political integrity, Councillor Black will be resigning her seat, and fighting the subsequent by-election as the Labour Party candidate (but only after first putting herself forward for selection as the Labour Party candidate, of course*).
  • But it's not all bad news for the Solidarity camp, George Lucas has directed a YouTube video defending Tommy Sheridan against Darth Murdoch and the recent perjury charges.
  • *I'm lying.

    Tuesday, December 18, 2007

    Tommy Sheridan and the Blogs

    I'll be surprised if it stems the gossip tide, but it's interesting to note that Andy over at Socialist Unity Blog and Scottish Patient Kev have both switched off and/or have temporarily removed back commentary to the Sheridan versus the News of the World case on their respective blogs.

    People from both sides of the divide just want to rant and rave about this little local difficulty.

    Sunday, December 16, 2007

    Whatever Happend To Jock Tamson?

    Tommy Sheridan's been charged.

    Snappy Kat hasn't got much time for Tommy's current predicament, and whilst Socialist Unity Blog has turned off its comments option for things relating to Tommy, the image accompanying a post on the blog, of what looks like Tommy sucking on a lemon, tells all you need to know about where Andy stands on the issue.

    Tell you one thing, though. Whatever happens . . . even if he gets the jail; with Solidarity and the SSP going further down the political plughole as collateral damage, Tommy will eventually land on his feet.

    That type always do.