Showing posts with label Celebrity Big Brother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrity Big Brother. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A prayer for the lying

Via Popbitch, and for Kara:

>> Celebrity Big Brother <<

C4 go for the dimmest Baldwin brother

celtiagirl writes:

"Stephen Baldwin has been a mentalist for yonks. I met him around the time of The Usual Suspects and he showed me an IRA tattoo he’d had done.

I asked, 'Did he know anything about the IRA?'

'Not really', he admitted: but he felt it was probably 'part of my character’s shady past'.

"So, a permanent tattoo for a fictional character representing a movement he doesn’t understand."

Kara and myself are mostly communicating through CBB at the moment. It's getting serious. A few of us may have to stage an intervention Friday if and when Sov gets voted out.

Keep you posted.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

For my next trick, I'll be solving cryptic crosswords . . .

Bill Shankly Socialism T Shirt update

I was (half) right. Quick blogsearch reveals that it was Sheridan who was wearing the T shirt in the CBB house:

"Tommy has already been using the show to promote his left-wing beliefs.

Yesterday he wore a sweatshirt with legendary Liverpool boss Bill Shankly's famous socialism quote.

His jumper read: "The socialism I believe in is everybody working for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards.

"That's how I see football, that's how I see life." (Via The Sunday Mail)

Philosophy Football will be minted after that wee plug from TS.