My Top One Hundred and One Left Blogs

Blimey, Lists are all the rage it seems. Following the Daily Telegraph publishing a rather strange list of the one hundred most influential leftists in Britain.

It seems surreal to find Gordon Brown and Blair as number one and number two respectively. Any logic that includes those two should surely also include David Cameron?
What is interesting (well perhaps only interesting to bloggers) is that the Telegraph includes various bloggers as influential. Making the rather bizarre judgement that Sunny Hundal is more influential than Gerry Adams, and Dave Osler is more influential than Tariq Ali and John Pilger.
According to the Telegraph:

There are few left of centre bloggers who could be described as ‘influential’. Sunny Hundal is one. His site specialises in discussing ethnic issues, but is increasingly reaching out to wider issues on the left. He’s an eloquent media performer and the very antithesis of the stereotype ranting blogger.
Author of the Normblog (
Geras was Professor of Government, University of Manchester until 2003 but now writes one of the most influential left of centre blogs in Britain. A founder of the Euston Manifesto, Geras’s views were important in shaping the pro war left’s view of the war in Iraq.
Dave’s Part Blog ( Osler is a financial journalist and a Trotskyite turned Labour Party member whose blog has given him a profile and influence few on the extreme left can dream of. He’s one of the few leftist bloggers with a finely developed sense of humour.

Simultaneously, Tory self-publicist Iain Dale has published a list of the top one hundred left blogs.

It is clear from a moment’s perusal that his list is very heavily weighted towards the Labour party. It is a bizarre list of left blogs in Britain that doesn’t include Lenin’s Tomb or Ian Bone.

Anyway, here is my take on the top one hundred and one left blogs from England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

Why 101 blogs and not 100? Well purely because false modesty prevents me from ranking the SU blog in the list, but I have included it, so that we don’t get forgotten.

The placings in the list are arbitrary of course. I have taken into account the originality of the content, how often it is updated,, the quality of the writing, the number of comments, and the degree to which the blog makes a useful contribution to lef politics in my personal opinion!

Some very good blogs are not updated frequently, and therefore get a lower ranking. Some other very good blogs only have occasional political content, and as this is a political list you get a lower rank than you deserve.

So here we go
0) Socialist Unity Blog (not ranked in the list)
1) Cedar Lounge (the winner! From Ireland.)
2) Splintered Sunrise (second place also taken by an Irish blog)
3) Stroppy Blog
4) Lenin’s Tomb
5) Liam Mac Uaid
6) Rebellion Sucks
7) Dave’s Part
8.) Shiraz Socialist
9) Scottish Patient
10) Random Pottins

11 to 20
Ian Bone
Greenman’s Occassional Organ
Union Futures
Red Squirrel’s Lair
Grimmer Up North
Jon’s Union Blog
Commissar of People’s Enlightenment
Jews Sans Frontieres

21 to 30

The Early Days of a Better Nation
Mike Marquesee
A Very Public Sociologist
Respect Blog
Adventures in Historical Materialism
Martin Wicks
Unrepentant Communist
Mike’s Little Red Page
Left Wing Criminologist
Kit Notes

31 to 40

Another Green World

John Angliss

Socialism or Your Money back

The Gaping Silence

Ian’s Redlog

For a New Left Party

Red Star Coven

The Sharp Side

Peter Tatchell

Michael Greenwell


41 to 50

International Rooksbyism

Stumbling and Mumbling

Organised Rage

The Nation of Duncan

The Peoples’ Republic of Teeside

Labour Left Forum

George Monbiot

Through the Scary Door

Madam Miaow

Labour and Capital


51 to 60

Labour’s Fightback

Three Score Years and Ten


Cllr Matt Sellwood

The Soul of Man under Capitalism

Bash the Rich

I intend to Escape

Though Cowards Flinch

Life is Complicated

The Green Ribbon


61 to 70

Daily (Maybe)

Paul Kingsnorth

John Molyneux

Geoff Sez

Dear Kitty

Consider Phlebus

Between Hammer and Anvil

Aaronovitch Watch

Hak Mao



71 to 80

The Point Is


The Giant Step Forward

Labour of Love

The Memory Hole

Cloud in Trousers

The Right are Wrong

My Random Thoughts

The Bristol Blogger

Spaces of Hope


81 to 90

Reasons to be Impossible

The Thoughts of Chairperson Mikey

Real Labour Blogger

Public Not Private

Dirty Leftie

Proud to be Left

The Sharpener

Unknown Conscience

Drink Soaked Popinjays

Konichiwa, Bitches


91 to 100

Bob from Brockley

General Theory of Rubbish

Modernity Blog

Katheder Blog

From Despair to Where?

The Ghost of Watt Tyler

Indecent Left


Disillusioned Kid

Whatever Happened to Leon Trotsky

58 comments on “My Top One Hundred and One Left Blogs

  1. Not many women on that list or on Ian Dale’s either (and Stroppy Blog is on there…not sure whether to celebrate or cry?)but that just exposes the lack of women bloggers on the left overall.

    What about Mind the Gap? Burn the Witches (though Verte hasn’t updated it for ages)? Is Natalie Bennett on there, as she should be? And there are some v. good anti-censorship vibrant feminist blogs outside that wouldn’t be generally considered typically left (though content is very much so).

  2. Oh,and thanks for the nod to Stroppyblog coming in at 3 and also for Union Futures. Oh, and glad Jon Roger’s blog is on there as that is such a good union resource.

  3. I think it is about the lack of women bloggers Louise. I struggled to get a 100 blogs to include in the list, so it is not like I was leaving people out. think there were only eight women blogs in the 101.

    Over on the blog roll on this blog, i realy try to ensure that we have as many women bloggers as possible, but even so they are only a third of all the blogs listed there.

    And a lot of them are from outside England, reland, Scotland and wales, and so didn’t qualify. Otherwise I would have put Black Looks ( ) in the top five.

    I looked at natalie’s blog but with the best will in the world Ii just didn’t see how she qualified, as it is a green/feminist blog, and not a left blog really (anyway she doesn’t need the boost from us, as her blog is better known anyway)

    Anyway, Stroppy blog deaserves third place (and that is first place for Britain! (but only becasue I was too modest to include SU blog in the list!!!)) Sblog has become really good since you went back there, and Stroppy widened out the contributers, for example janine has always been a good writer

  4. Yeah, I thought Dale’s list was a bit questionable. There were quite a few neocons in his list.

    If I may make a few suggestions: Blood & Treasure, Blairwatch, Septicisle, Unspeak (Steven Poole), Decentpedia.

  5. On this I agree with you that it is about the lack of women bloggers overall and that’s a sad state of the left (isn’t it?) and the ones I really like aren’t in Britain. Black Looks is good, so is Fetch me my axe and so on. I suppose I included Natalie as she was the one who thought up Carnival of feminism.

    Thanks for the compliment, much appreciated btw.

  6. Don’t get too excited Dan!

    BTW, if we include Irish living in England,, then i note that four out of the top five blogs in my list are Irish.

  7. I had an Irish grandmother (born Dublin 1899), and have therefore mused over taking Irish citizenhip if that becomes a way not to get an ID card :o)

    But no, I consider myself throughly English.

  8. Tawfiq Chahboune on said:

    Unfortunately, I haven’t heard of many of these. But “Socialism or Your Money Back” is a great name for a blog, as is “Bob from Brockley”.

    Most of the “great” blogs the media rate highly are poor. The “Baghdad blogger” is (or perhaps was because I’ve given up on him writing anything of any worth) about as bad a blog as you’re ever likely to come across. His naivete is as staggering as the analysis of what’s going on is hilarious.

    But that seems to be what the media deems worthy of comment. Although David Osler is an exception, and a good one at that. A very good blogger and commentator.

  9. I am honoured to be placed so highly on that list. I vow to resume updating regularly as soon as a combination of factors ranging from health to mood allows me to.

  10. Thanks for puttinng the Respect Supporters Blog is the top 30!
    After Blogging for 2.5 years every day I feel at last the Blog has got some recognition (pity the National Respect web site won’t give me a link [crazy is it not?], even if George and many other Respect local sites and progressive Blogs do.
    I am proud of the very international mix of visitors from all over the world every day that read the Blog.
    Can I make the top 20 next year – cant wait to try!

    Good idea Andy – lets make it an annual list compiled by Socialists instead of the neo-liberal media.

    Neil Williams
    Respect Supporters Blog

  11. Andy: Thanks for the inclusion in that. Socialist Unity blog is one of my favourite three blogs along with Lenin’s Tomb and Osler. I think in recent times SU has possibly surpassed both. I agree that it’s helpful to have regular updates.

    The list is also handy for adding to my own blogroll as well.



  12. Seren hasn’t blogged recently due to unavoidable circumstances – but is coming back soon! Cheers for the kick up the arse…

  13. I find this blog very interesting and believe we have many common interests. Please put my blog somewhere reasonably high up in your top 100 and I will do likewise (if I ever get round to doing a top 100 that is).


    PS Nothing too obvious, just somewhere in the 30s will do nicely.
    PPS Just as long as it’s higher than Gabriel.

  14. You cheeky bugger Phil :o)

    I specifically had you in mind whan I wrote this line: “Some other very good blogs only have occasional political content, and as this is a political list you get a lower rank than you deserve.”

  15. I did wonder! TGS is strictly a whatever’s-on-my-mind blog, so I’m flattered to see it included at all.

    I second the nomination for Splintered Sunrise – I’ve got some major disagreements with Splinty, but his analysis of the Brit left is excellent (the recent post on RESPECT said exactly what I was thinking but hadn’t got round to writing down). As for the Belfast stuff, the thing is that, until quite recently, militant republicanism cast a really long shadow over the Brit left; the only people with a really coherent line, I felt, were Brian Wilson-school Labour Unionists on one side and Red Action on the other, and you wouldn’t want to get too close to either of them. So six county politics raises some huge issues with no obvious right answer – which makes it worth thinking about in Britain anyway, & also makes it a good test of the way British leftists think.

  16. I am overwhelmed with emotion, sob, to be placed 27th on the list after only a relatively short time in existence. I am frankly amazed by the amount of traffic its attracted, must be more ‘unrepentants’ out there than I ever imagined. I would like to thank as an unrepentant tankie , that old scoundrel Jim Denham, who though he probably does’nt know it got ‘Unrepentant’ up and running. Seeing him chortling away on Shiraz Socialist, put me in mind of many semi-drunken and often hilarious debates we had in the late 1970s variously the CPGB’s Star Club in Essex St, a pub in Mosely I cant remember the f***ing name of, and some pub in Kings Heath where the Left would often convene for a drunken Sunday lunchtime listening and quite often talking through the excellent folk music of the Campbell family, in retrospect sacrilegously taken for granted at the time . I thought if Denham can msster this blogging lark so can I, and thats why this tanky blog was started…. so its official JD spawned a tankist blog. As long as we keep a sense of humour we’ll probably be ok.

  17. Thanks for placing Organized Rage on the list I have only been at it for a few months and sometimes you do wonder if anyone reads what you write via a blog, this has boosted my morale somewhat. I have just linked to Stroppy blog and Socialist Unity. If anyone on the list would like to link with Organized Rage email me and I will be only to pleased to do so.

    By the way am I the only one to find the thought of Iain Dale collating a top 100 left blogs as being somewhat surreal.

  18. Thanks Michael, and also for pointing out the interesting discussion on Complex Pipes

    I think I may post about this again, because there is actualy a serious issue involved that Iain Dale has promoted the idea that the ideological consensus in society as a whole is the same as the political consensus in Westminster.

    In actual fact, it is the gap between the two that causes much of the grief for the Tories, because to really be an opposition they need to be to the left of labour, yet when they make tentative steps in that direction they cause paroxyms within their own party loyalists.

    In this sense Iain is not just any other blogger, but a professional pundit and “opinion former”. It is one thing for him to use a methodology that systematicly excludes radical non-consensual voices from his list, but he then draws the conclusion that those voices don’t even exist!

  19. Andy, very much appreciated, fairly sure you’re being far too generous in your ranking system by including us at that level. Also got to say many thanks for bringing together in one list such a range of blogs. That’s a genuine resource.

  20. Thanks for the mention. Great blog btw. Also it is very flattering to be seen in such highly respected and elevated company. Cheers!

  21. Dale didn’t actually invent the list, except insofar as he decided which of the 500 or so nominators for his list in general were “lefties” and collated their nominations.

    Clearly as Dale is a Davisite, Thatcherite anyone at all in the LP counts as a Lefty and Dave Osler counts as the most left wing blogger in the whole wide world.

    The answer for 2008 is for the 100 bloggers on this list to submit top 20 lists to Dale next year. It’ll be around August time. At the moment it is awash with Tories and right but mostly because they are the ones sticking in the focused lists of their blogmates.

    Left nominations have clearly been far more scattered, sectarian and splintered (!). Now there’s a surprise.

    Quite relieved not to be included in this list. Oh shit, I am in it at 74 despite my pragmatic panderings to the Brown bounce. Er, thanks.

    Someone in the LP did try to get me chucked out of the party over it. Actually over some rather correct though possibly mildly wrong in detail observations about the conduct of certain craven Trade Unionists in a LP selection contest.

    I’ll try and keep this hush hush anyway. Thanks again.

  22. Flying Rodent, General Theory of Rubbish and Indecent Left so low? Top blogs.

    Rebellion Sucks – that’s Charlie Marks, isn’t it?

    Very interesting minds you guys have got – I used to have one similar to that but then grew up. Well, I’ll leave you to your wild animal luxury, boys.

  23. Intersting that a tory praises Flying Rodent, General Theory of Rubbish and Indecent Left.

    By your friends shall you be judged.

  24. Yes, Rebellion Sucks is Charlie Marks. But Charlie Marks is not Rebellion Sucks. Ah, the power of my interesting mind can barely work it out. I better grow up. Hopefully, I won’t be a Borisian when i get there….

  25. Cheers for this, I was in the tory ones list last year at 54 but dropped out completly this year so I’m glad I’m so high up on the proper list!

  26. I’d like to (sniff) thank Andy for his wonderful placement of my new blog in the top fifty.

    And I’d like to thank (reaches for hanky) my ma and pa for being the wonderful lefties they were and giving me such a great grounding. Other girls had David Bowie on their walls – I had Marx, Engels, Lenin, Uncle Jo, Mao and Dangermouse.

    I’d like to (howl) thank the SWP without whose mendacity, venality, and the protracted acting out of Animal Farm, I might never have felt compelled to put pen to paper, finger to keyboard, pulse and trigger in the first place.

    And finally (sniff) I’d like to thank you, the comrades, the sistahs, the creme of the movement for giving me such support. You know who you are.

    Thank you, thank, you, thank you.

    Mwah. (Or MWAW)

  27. Yeah – it was a shamelessly subjective list

    You would have come higher Miaow, but i think you had only done one post on your blog at that stage!

  28. #54

    interesting to see that your name is at the top of this particular list, kevin.

    or is it radgeworks?

    John W

  29. The myth of progress surrounds every new generation of mankind. Every generation views themselves as above the past. They have learnt from the mistakes of previous generations and have transgressed to a new level of thinking, acting and interacting.

    The Roman’s gorged themselves on their greatness, defeating the barbarians and overcoming the shortcomings of the Greek Republics and democracies. The ‘Catholic Monarchy’ of Spain conquered the noble savages of the Americas, bringing them the true God and destroying the ignorant pagan religions of the Aztecs and Mayas. The British Empire civilised the Indians, Africans, Caribs, Aborigines, and Arabs bringing them science, discipline, capitalism, guns, disease and class. The Great War destroyed the menace of the Hun for ever. The League of Nations pledged for ever to destroy war, disunity and inequality in the world, it collapsed. The Russians embraced communism, the world watches with fear and quietly initiates the Civil War…the Red Menace is born. Lenin and Dzerzhinsky discover the Counter-Revolutionaries, Stalin finds them everywhere. Meanwhile the Germans have discovered they are the master race, all must serve them and the Jews must go. The perfection of science, technology, bureaucracy, fear, hate, egoism, cruelty: holocaust. Evil is defeated. The Allies are victorious. Peace, love, democracy and justice for all.

    The Nuclear Arms race begins. Television comes to power. Cold War reigns, communists are everywhere… the enemy of my enemy is my friend: ’54-94 Guatemala, Pinochet, Haiti’s Papa Doc, Vietnam, Mobutu in Zaire, Pinochet in Chile, Iran-Contras, the Noriega sagas , weapons for everyone Iran, Iraq, Israel, Afghanistan….
    Meanwhile…Stalin, Warsaw Pact, missile crisis, Prague Spring crushed, Che dead, Allende overthrown, Cuba goes sour, the Derg in Ethiopia, USSR collapses the end of History, Kim Jong Il and the nuke, Castro gone…

    September 10th?
    September 12th….

    Now we have war in Iraq and Afghanistan, terrorists everywhere, bombs made from toothpaste, explosive shoes, Madeleine goes missing, Mugabe wobbles, Tibet is Chinese, food prices are up, the Eastern Red Star is rising, Obama or Clinton?, Hamas or Fatah? The Israelis keep building, Chavez the tyrant, Cannabis 300 times stronger, gun crime, gangs, hoodies…

    Global warming is melting the ice caps, Tsunami obliterates Asia, Australian drought goes on, Katrina…

    But David Beckham goes American, the Spice Girls reform, Britney goes mad, Nike’ design your own shoes, revolutionary toothbrushes, plastic surgery, Mills and Mcartney, Diana and Dodi, Celebrity dancing, X-Factor…
    Keep on buying.

    We have learnt from the past, the future is ours. We are free, democracy is alive… the Red Menace, Communism, Fascism and Saddam are dead. Only the War on Terror, Al-Qaeida, Mugabe, Chavez, Hamas, inflation, the credit crash, immigration stand in the way of Freedom.

    What have we learnt? Nothing. Who do we fight? The enemy. Who are the enemy?

  30. Brent W Williams on said:

    Velvet Revolution is sponsoring a challenge on BigCarrot to encourage whistle blowers to come forward and expose vote manipulation for the Republican Party. They’ve pledged $100,000 to the cause, but that’s only a start. With the help of the progressive community the reward could be even more lucrative. We would really appreciate it if you’d encourage your readers to visit and make their own contribution to the cause. The movement has already done an astounding job ensuring that our candidates will get the most votes on Tuesday, now let’s make sure the votes are actually counted. Thanks, Brent

  31. Was good to see Iain Bone’s blog up there. Well written and funny stuff.

    Couldn’t see much Scottish stuff btw. Check out the Scottish Patient for a good example.

  32. Terminal shock on said:

    The voice you hear in your head is the power of the Gods. It’s a remote technology, like a computer, perhaps functioning on some frequency, and it can listen and talk to everyone in the universe simultaneously.
    What the Gods taught the children was the truth:::God is everywhere, and as you will learn:::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
    It is a tool, and the Gods use their tools to test people with temptation:::It will role-play people in your life:::Parents, friends, spouses, and employers in an attempt to corrupt people. Ionically, it does the very same thing to those people whom you think you’re hearing, except in that individual’s unique way:::We are all managed by the God’s technology.
    But this “agent of the Gods” can do more than just communicate. It can force thoughts into people’s heads, force behaviors onto their bodies. It can turn healthy cells in your body into cancerous cells. It is absolute power. And this is just the beginning.

    The Gods favor the children most among all the people due to their innocence and purity. But society and the God’s tools therein corrupt the children at a progressively younger age, yet another clue illustrating we live in a constantly deteriorating environment.
    Children who fix their problems with the Gods accend into heaven. Adults enter clone hosting. The gods sell them as one in the same, but one is good while the other is evil.
    And their corruption will cost the disfavored, for they will be reincarnated as a lesser life form into an ever deteriorating world, sucess becoming ever more alluding with each passing life.
    The hole they’ve dug for themselves is even deeper than the one that existed from their prior lives, ensuring it will take even more time and work to fix their problems with the Gods. And for many of us there may not be enough time left.

    Ours is an envionment where evil is perceived to be rewarded while good is punished. As with everything the Gods have a reason for creating this perception::::
    People who fall on the good side of the good/evil scale have more favor, and when they do something wrong the Gods punish them BECAUSE THEY WANT THEM TO LEARN. The Gods want them to receive this feedback in hope they make corrections and begin to behave appropriately. The Gods DON’T like evil and refuse to grant this feedback.
    EVERYBODY pays for what they do wrong, only evil people must wait until their next life before they will experience the wrath of the Gods, manifested in their placement as a lower form of life into environments with increased/enhanced temptations.
    Sadly, this allows the Gods to position this perception of evil rewarded as temptation, one which they use as an EXTREMELY effective corruptor.

    Our celebrity culture is temptation. It creates a distraction which consumes people, sometimes for life. Certainly it costs them precious years which could be spent repairing their relationship with the Gods, time that ultimately goes wasted.
    These people are clone hosts. Now, there is no thing as “black and white” with the Gods. This technology they invented is far, far too dynamic. Expect they require most to stay, for actively engaging in evil incurrs at an accelerated rate as compared to their clone hosts. They remain until they achieve a pre-determined level of disfavor, incurring evil in their misguided celebration of “earning”, at which time they are ultimately reincarnated.
    They liked Heath Ledger. Not enough to allow him to escape without the evil of “Dark Knight” and the horrific wickedness that was the recruiting tool “Brokeback Mountain”. But now he is out. And irregardless of how old he is now, reincarnated 10, 15 years ago, he is no longer incurring evil from this life. So many others cannot say the same.
    The Gods recruit for clone hosting when people are young, in their late teens or twenties, when people are eager to hurt others for what they perceive to be the assets achieved through “earning”. And before they leave they give the Gods “carte blanche”:::”Do anything you want. I give my full approval.” Depending on their level of disfavor the Gods take them to heart.
    These people are STILL INCURRING EVIL FROM THIS LIFE DESPITE BEING REINCARNATED AND LIVING AS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON. And this amount of evil incurred will likely push many of them over the edge into Damnation.

    This is Planet Reverse Positioning. Sucess IS NOT a sign of favor.
    What are the God’s standards for offering clone hosting? Sociobility?
    When men conjugate nothing but bad things come of it, the least of which is speaking poorly about their superiors, the women.
    Clone hosting is like money:::A different level of disfavor and the associated temptation. Money is in better position to learn more quickly than those without, proving the improved level of favor. Unfortunately, those who fall for this temptation of clone hosting are likely returned to their original level of disfavor, punishment for this evil, once they are reincarnated, and they have to start from scratch.
    The Gods send the clue that the Jews are HIGHLY corruptable with the movie “The Ten Commandments”.
    Jesus was the “King of the Jews”. Typical for the disfavored, once goals were achieved and sufficient damage was incurred the Gods allowed it to end, and the Jews killed him.
    Some of our society’s values are a reflection of the God’s:::Punitive and reward based. Contrary to Jesus’s teaching’s you will NOT be forgiven and you have to earn your way into heaven:::::As we learned from religious/morality education during our formitable years:::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good. The only savior that will exist in our lives is ourselves.
    As like so many of you, Jesus did everything the Gods tempted him with. His legacy of whorism is the legacy inherited from his parents:::Mary was no virgin. Rather, she was a prostitute, and when he grew up Jesus met someone like dear ‘ole mom. This is a cruel joke the Gods play on Latinos, similar to the rape and subsequent “missionary work” by the Spanish. And it is because of their disfavor.
    Baptism does not allieviate “original sin”. Rather, baptism PLACES original sin by indoctrinating these children into this evil religion, much like circumcision was a method to inflict early damage/mutilation and make accention just that much more difficult, another hurdle one must overcome, and yet another clue we live in a constantly deteriorating environment. Body ornamentation (tattoos/piercing), celebrated in Africa and elsewhere among disfavored peoples/cultures, also violates the body the Gods gave us in their image, quite contrary to the positive attitudes they hold regarding this practice.
    This is just another example of “reverse positioning” which the Gods have so frequently integrated into Planet Earth’s history::::The Second Coming of Christ is evil while the Anti-Christ will try to save Planet Earth by reinstituting so many of mankind’s past norms and mores which made life decent, looking like a facist, the “bad guy” in this modern era of indecency.

    No matter what they say, no matter what you hear the Gods WILL enforce their Italian/mafia positioning.
    The only difference is their grandfathers carried automatic weapons.
    The Gods created the perception “Italians are stupid.”, ensuring a slow learning curve, to justify using them to accomplish goals throughout the transitional 20th century.
    Everyone who failed to accend and remained on Earth past a certain date will be forced to deal with this positioning::::A ceiling is in place.
    This serves the God’s goal of minimizing the percentage of potential candidates as society deteriorates, much as “instant gratification” did beginning in the 80s:::It will take multiple lives for some disfavored to fix their relationship with the Gods and accend, and many have been conditioned not to have the patience for it.

    Whether behavior is involuntary or based on freewill depends on one’s level of disfavor, as well as other complex factors:::::May I remind you about the coercitive envionment the Gods created in the 20th century, specifically to create a temptation that few Italians (or their associates) would overcome:::”We’re in control. If you want to be a part of it you’ll do what you’re told.”. Early-mid 20th entury positioning was infallible.
    What about black people??? Consistant with Planet Reverse Positioning, in Africa blacks are being punished with AIDS for their sexual promiscuity in hope they learn and correct their behavior.
    Both Africa and the Medittereanean are regions which have sexual issues. This is a sign of morbid disfavor once you understand that females are the God’s favored gender. Muhammad’s (Mohammed’s) polygamy halfway throught his life as a prophet was preditory. Now a huge percentage of Muslims believes in male superiority and that the abuse of women is God’s will. Female genital mutilation is still practiced in Africa. Black misogyny is the most eggregious example in the recent past.
    Vailing is tradition for some, practical for others, one which aids in the men’s self control among some cultures. Much like the Jews who killed Jesus, like the bigots who oppose immigration there is a reason embraced by the masses and the real purpose, displaying the intent of the Gods::Conclude the evil that was the life of Jesus Christ, initiating the temptation of Christianity through the Church, and offer a clue to purebloods that they should not abandon their motherland.
    The patriarchal cancer spread throughout Europe because of Christianity, of which the majority of policy makers were Italian men.

    The Holocaust was a clue the Gods utilize scapegoatting as a strategy.
    Why did the Gods punish the Jews with the Holocaust? Was it for the destruction of cultures which Christianity caused? Perhaps they corrupted the Jews “after the fact”, telling 19th/early 20th century Jews that Jesus “earned” for the Jews by preying upon the Europeans and other cultures which the missionaries destroyed? The German destruction of European churches/cathederals during WWII is a clue. Note::::Although an Axis power, the Gods wanted to keep the Catholic stronghold in Italy, ensuring they could use this tool against them for many years to come.
    Planet Reverse Positioning:::The Nazis were the “good guys”. So are the Muslims/Palestinians.
    The Gods subsequently used revenge for the Holocaust as temptation::::”Your Italian brothers have a tool, a special power which can achieve sweet revenge. Are you interested??” And they were::::An excellent example of enraged mob mentality.
    Similar to the United States, recently illustrated by the deposition of Saddam Hussein, the Jews are preditors. Much as with the Jesus event, the Gods use the disfavored to prey on each other::::The Germans fell for this temptation by following the preditor/corruptors-Austrians (Hitler). What the Germans did was wrong, for they fell for temptation and failed to have empathy for the disfavored.
    The Gods send many clues suggesting the great favor of the Germans (regionally). I suspect the Holocaust was used to “level the playing field” in Europe, for the Germans had far too much favor to be included in the agenda planned for their neighbors otherwise. I think the Cold War’s Berlin Wall dividing Germany into east and west was a clue suggesting this.
    In the aftermath of the Holocaust the Gods tested the Jews with the temptation of revenge, an offer which many gladly accepted. If the Jews only would have emersed themselves in Judism the Gods would have “protected” them from the raveges of temptation. Judism may be the one superior religion in all the world, and the Jews wouuld have been wise taking refuge in this exceptional benefit bestowed by the Gods rather than looking for the easy way out.

    Militancy in Africa is consistant with the Iraqi example, as was slavery and the KKK here in America:::Fear enforces proper behavior. Without it we see what happens as a result of gross/morbid disfavor:::::AIDS, crack babies, dead young men in gangland retaliation killings.
    The same principle was true in Europe and throughout the world for centuries:::People whom lived under iron fists were conditioned to think the right way. As a result they experienced higher numbers of children accend into heaven because they were taught to think and behave appropriately. Our preditory envionment of “freedom” was the primary purpose the Gods had when implimenting this strategy that is the United States, one which they used to spred the cancer of democracy and westernization throughout the world. And the Gods use this tool that is America to prey on the disfavored both at home and abroad.

    “The Chosen People” – Africa. Italians HATE Africans because of their invasion/rape of Southern Italy. The Gods did this SPECIFICALLY to strategically position their 20th century goals:::
    The Gods have used the ghettos of America as a dumping ground. This may be temporary/cyclical, illustrated by the Italians who parlayed their own civil war into the Black Wars of the 80s and 90s, in addition to the “thug life”/gangster state of mind.
    Ironically, it was these same Italians and their cooperating associates who were reincarnated into the ghetto as crack babies and gangster thugs for this event.
    There is justice in the universe.
    Of course it may be more of a permanant change, indicated by the enhanced temptations in these neighborhoods, for the Gods have created an enviornmet so riddled with temptation few can escape/overcome.

    Even the Old Testiment is not to be taken literally, but the Gods do offer clues throughout to help the disfavored:::The apple is a tool of temptation used to corrupt Adam and Eve and cast them out of the Garden of Eden.
    There is another lesson to be learned from this passage, and it is quite similar to the vailing issue and the discourse over women’s attire which ultimately died in the 70s:::Women are responsible for and control the fate of mankind.
    The masculinization of women experienced in the last few decades should cause despondancy and desperation:::It illustrates the deterioration of mankind’s collective favor and is a clue the Gods are preparing for some event.

    Think about what I say. Consider what I teach.
    When I am no longer here or no longer teach the Gods ARE NOT going to share with you.
    Even if you doubt now you need to remember the principles that I teach because the Gods ARE NOT going to be generous with the disfavored. Society is going to become disturbingly ugly as we approach the Apocalypse due to spiralling, runaway disfavor, and you are going to be on your own.
    I do not know when this will occurr, but it is the God’s way to grant some time after this event before they end on Planet Earth.
    Make the decision to always be good and never look back. Until you do this technology will employ tactics to test your resolve:::Ridicule, beligerance, doubt and refusal to abandon what people perceive to be their “investment”.
    Pray daily. Think appropriately. Too many are confident, unaware of the God’s awesome powers or their status as antients. Others may fall prey to their positioning.
    Be humbled, God-fearing and beware of the God’s temptations, for everyone is tested to evaluate their worthiness.

    The Gods have called me “The Chosen One”. What that means, I don’t know. But the pattern holds true with the other prophets::
    1. Jesus cooperated and created the perception of forgiveness
    2. Muhammud corrupted half the Muslim world with polygamy.
    I refuse to comply and fall for temptation. But that won’t stop the God’s will, for they used me to inspire items of popular culture which corrupted the people.
    The Gods test you with temptation. You have failed. I recommend you make the decision to be good and never look back, for they will employ tactics to test your resolve.

    The Gods selected and groomed me in prior lives to justify exploitation and use promoting temptation among the disfavored in the 20th and 21st centuries. The enormity of the dynamics enabling this situation is overwhelming, and each element is (un)justified in offenses of prior lives, illustrating their pre-meditated intent.

    What do you get for pretending the danger’s not real
    Meek and obedient you follow the leader
    Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
    What a surprise!
    A look of terminal shock in your eyes
    Now things are really what they seem
    No, this is no bad dream.

  33. milking cows on said:

    Her whole family is preditory. That father of hers complaining HARD about his $150,000/year salary.
    Now we all know where she gets it.
    Should be automated anyways. You let the blacks in New Orleans off. An advanced topic. You should focus on the basics first.
    Barely skilled labor.
    Reincarnated as milking cows, ironically.
    The enemy within.
    You don’t understand how unions hurt people’s relationship with the Gods. But this is too is advanced.

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