Showing posts with label US Punk Scene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Punk Scene. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Nazis, Communists and Swedish Punk

Check out Killed By Death Records, a brilliant music blog newly added to the sidebar.

It focuses mainly on the early 80s US punk scene, and features a truckload of bands you've never heard, releasing records on labels you never knew existed with a barrage of indecipherable lyrics that will have you clutching at the title of the song, in the hope that it explains all. It doesn't.

A few songs that songs that caught my ear. There's hundreds more:

  • Stains - 'John Wayne Was A Nazi'
  • The Eat - 'Communist Radio'
  • Slobobans Undergang - 'Atomkrasch'
  • Friday, December 01, 2006

    DH Lawrence does Anti-Flag

    Alan's has been rifling through his socialist literature, and reproduced a series of fascinating DH Lawrence poems on his blog. As he mentions in his post, these poems were originally published in 1929 in a volume entitled Pansies, and Alan and myself both spotted them in an old issue of 'World Socialist', which was a theoretical magazine produced by the WSM for a few years in the mid-eighties.
    I especially liked the poem reproduced below, though the eyesight is going a bit. At first glance, I thought it was called 'Oi - Start a Revolution', and I suddenly had Lawrence pegged as a proto-Attila the Stockbroker type.
    However, if I was psycho-politicising him - don't know what that means, but for the purposes of this post, it'll do - the opening line in the poem would mark him down as a disillusioned Council Communist in my book. The desperate cry of 'Somebody' at the end of the line with the exclamation mark for added emphasis puts him in the spontaneist camp, but with other poems in Alan's post carrying such titles as 'Kill Money'; 'How Beastly The Bourgeois Is'; & 'Money Madness', it means he could also be an Anti-Flag type. Just a shame that with his beard, he looks more like someone who would be playing second guitar in Grandaddy.
    O! Start A Revolution

    O! start a revolution , somebody!
    not to get the money
    but to lose it forever.

    O! start a revolution , somebody!
    not to install the working classes
    but to abolish the working classes forever
    and have a world of men.