Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Walt disnae do class struggle

When is a blog not a blog?

When Alan J. of Mailstroming blogging fame conjures up a new page entitled, Socialists For Free Access.

Interesting articles linked include:

  • Marx: Theoretician of Anarchism
  • Psychology and Socialism
  • Why are you still here? Click on the links.

    Tuesday, May 01, 2007

    May Day - a link or three

    Happy May Day, and all that. The day when workers (should be) celebrating their strength as a class, and when Liverpool (should be) dumping Chelski out of the Champions League. A couple of links to throw your way:
  • May the First - Workers Day Alan J. does the honours at his Mailstrom blog with a reprinting of this piece on May Day from the Socialist Standard from a few years back. Still relevant . . . and then some.
  • Rosa Luxemburg's 'What are the Origins of the First of May?' Rosa Luxemburg: still relevant . . . and then some.
  • Mondo MayDay 2007 Larry states that his blog carries: "The most complete preview of MayDay 2007 worldwide anywhere on the web". And who am I to argue?
  • World Socialist Party May Day Statement - May Day 2007 Shamelessly nicked from the WSPUS MySpace page.
  • Wofür? Der Text eines Flugblatts anläßlich des 1. Mai 2007 Two years of being a smart alec - who always came bottom in the exams - and all round pain in the arse to Ms Allen means that I can't read this May Day statement. However, I have to give it a plug nonetheless, as it is penned by Norbert, a good comrade from Frankfurt who has set up a German language blog promoting the politics of the WSM and the IWW.
  • And before I forget, I have to agree with Matt that it's nice to see Socialist Courier blog carrying an image to mark May Day that is not more outdated than Alan J.'s record collection.

    And don't forget, May 1st is also International Shalamar Day. So be sure to sit back and listen to this plastic piece of genius, whilst singing the praises of Howard, Jody, Jeffrey and the International Working Class.

    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    Injury Time

    As is self-evident by the paucity of posts in recent weeks, I'm a bit jaded with the whole blogging lark but - 'cos of past themes covered on the blog - I feel obliged to link to this puff piece by Barney Ronay in today's Online Guardian.

    Sorry to sound jaded but it does seem a whole lot of words to say sod all . . . or to at least just go over ground that has been covered a 1001 times before. He's not really bringing anything new to the table on the matter of socialism and footie: Shankly . . . Neville . . . Clough . . . Breitner . . . tick all the boxes. Don't not pass go. Get your NUJ card stamped.

    However, one of the comments to the article does throw up the interesting info about the Barcelona defender Oleguer Presas. If he's doesn't have Kev's blog bookmarked, he should do.