Showing posts with label Ephemera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ephemera. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mutant Dreams

So The Cardiacs are taking a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about gigs played in toilets, and it literally fast-fowards (re-winds) to footage of them playing in a public toilet.

They're decked out in these cheesey seventies wedding suits . . . . crushed velvet, colours probably in homage to a Coventry City away kit of the time - which does in fact conjure up memories of the only time I ever saw them on the telly, and they had the same type of clobber on on that occasion and they were banging out a skewed version of the old Kinks song, 'Susannah's Still Alive'.

The toilet gig is absolutely packed. You can't see where the bands ends and the audience starts. The guy on the keyboards is excellent, really jamming away and then I spot David Niven - an older but still raffish David Niven - in the cubicles (did I mention the cubicle doors weren't there?), and he is in the band strumming away on second guitar. He's sitting down, but he's not sitting on a toilet.

The dream then takes a detour to present day Hemel Hempstead and fear of being robbed/ burgled.

I probably needed a piss.