Showing posts with label HBO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HBO. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2007

Mixing Pop and Politics (2)

Obscure Factoid of the Day

Remember that episode from the second series of 'Extras' where Ricky Gervais visits a celebrity bar, and is humiliated by David Bowie? You know . . . that scene.

Turns out that in that scene where Bowie is playing the piano, he is in fact miming to an SPGBer playing the piano. I won't out the SPGB member concerned as he is not as politically active as he once was, but last century he was a Parliamentary candidate for the SPGB on two separate occasions and even stood for the Party in European Elections one time.

I defy you to find a more irrelevant and obscure bullshit political factoid on the net in the next month of Sundays.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Bill Maher + mustard = funniest joke of the year

As per usual, Bill Maher is on top form with his New Rules on last week's Real Time With Bill Maher, but 1 minute 24 seconds into the clip below he excelled himself with the funniest joke of the year. Maybe it's just in the telling, or maybe I just have a weirded out sense of humour but I never thought I could laugh so much.