- published: 15 Oct 2014
- views: 37114
Achalananda (born Kedarnath Moulik in 1876, died 1947), popularly known as Kedar Baba, was a direct monastic disciple of Vivekananda and the founder of Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service, in Varanasi. He initially worked as a policeman, but was then influenced by the ideology of Vivekananda.
Kedarnath Moulik was born in the year 1876, though the date is not known. He was born and educated in Varanasi (Benares). His father's name was Shambhu Chandra Moulik and his ancestral home was situated in the area called Sonarpura. He lost his mother in early childhood and was brought up under the care and guidance of his grandfather, Ramachandra Moulik. Although he was a Bengali by origin, he could not write in Bengali, though he spoke and understood the language. He had a good command over Persian.
Kedarnath had a large library in his house and subscribed to various journals on different subjects. He joined the police force after finishing school. About the same time he came in contact with a group of young men who were very inspired by the ideals of Vivekananda. One of them was Charuchandra Das, who later joined Ramakrishna Order and became a direct monastic disciple of Vivekananda and became known as Shubhananda. The group used to study religion and philosophy and Girish Chandra Ghosh was one of their favourite authors.
SRF may refer to:
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siantar rap foundation {SRF} - Dainang
Siantar Rap Foundation | BK Ethnic | Official Music Video
SRF Boru Ni Raja Lagu Batak
Cinta Dan Wanita official clip ( SRF )
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SRF - Diferencia
SRF Bro. Achalananda -- Spiritual Eye, Kundalini, "Wizard of Oz" -- with captions.
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Artist : Siantar Rap Foundation Title : BK Ethnic Cipt. : awenz Music : awenz - Respect wenzCreation Music - - Metronome Records - Lirik : Song : Marasing-asing do da sopo i Maragam-ragam marga Batak i Hita pasada ma tu sada gombar i Da songon gorga boraspati i Mejuah - juah manang hata Horas i Ido tabi ni halak Batak i Jala tangiang pasahat tu Tuhan i Sai marsada ma Bangso Batak i Molo di sipanganon adong do arsik i Molo marembas - embas adong do tor tor i Molo uning-uningan adong Hasapi i Molo di partungkoan adong do tuak i Verse : Horas, Mauliate sampai si Gale-gale, Ribak sude Horas Indonesia, Tapature, sampai ke Dongan BK Bukan sekedar kaosnya tampil beda lestarikan budaya lahirkan kebanggaan, kepedulian, cinta Seberapa besar kau untuk menghargainya Terlahir Batak itu anugera...
Die reine 9/11 Thematik ab Minute 4. Hier ein brandaktuelles Beispiel, wie Die Diskussion über 9/11 auch in den heutigen Medien absichtlich unterbunden und unter den Tisch gekehrt wird: +++ Ganze untertitelte Sendung hier: http://www.srf.ch/play/tv/arena/video/arena-trumps-krieg-gegen-die-medien?id=3e77da4b-d3d1-4f5c-b5dc-d63a7a803daf SRF predigt objektive Berichterstattung ohne Beleidigungen, stellt aber den Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Ganser wegen seinen 9/11-Aussagen immer wieder ins Licht eines umstrittenen Verschwörungstheoretikers, wobei ihm zwischenzeitlich sogar gedroht wird das Mikrofon abzustellen! Es folgen einige chronologische Ausschnitte aus der gestrigen SRF-Sendung Arena: Dass ausgerechnet der sonst ausgeglichen wirkende Moderator beim Thema 9/11 und Ganser sichtl...
Informal Satsanga -- June 1, 2013 TRANSCRIPT: Bro. Achalananda [In the middle of a conversation]: Well, you already have a technique to see the Spiritual Eye: Jyoti Mudra. Woman: Yes, but now, it's like how I was saying, it's like going forward and going back ... Bro. Achalananda: First you have to get into it, right? Woman: No, first you have to see it! Bro. Achalananda: Ya! First you have to see it. That's right. Woman: And then you have to keep it straight, Bro. Achalananda: And then you have to get into it. Woman: And it goes away. It's like, very abstract, and very nebulous, and there's no ... Bro. Achalananda: [laughs] Well, you just have to, I don't know what to tell you. You just have to keep after it. Woman: I mean, it's almost like you practice without knowing wh...
Bastien Girod & Patrick Frey vs Verena Herzog & Ruth Humbel. Cannabis ist die meistkonsumierte illegale Droge der Schweiz. Den Handel und den Konsum soll man nun endlich legalisieren, fordern unter anderem die Grünen. Die Gegner argumentieren, Cannabis sei gefährlich – vor allem für Jugendliche – und gehöre darum weiterhin verboten. (Schweizerdeutsch)
Segundo Piso es una competencia de improvisación de rimas situada en la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Suscribite al canal para no perderte ningún vídeo. INSTAGRAM: Segundopisook
Informal Satsanga -- June 1, 2013 TRANSCRIPT: Bro. Achalananda [In the middle of a conversation]: Well, you already have a technique to see the Spiritual Eye: Jyoti Mudra. Woman: Yes, but now, it's like how I was saying, it's like going forward and going back ... Bro. Achalananda: First you have to get into it, right? Woman: No, first you have to see it! Bro. Achalananda: Ya! First you have to see it. That's right. Woman: And then you have to keep it straight, Bro. Achalananda: And then you have to get into it. Woman: And it goes away. It's like, very abstract, and very nebulous, and there's no ... Bro. Achalananda: [laughs] Well, you just have to, I don't know what to tell you. You just have to keep after it. Woman: I mean, it's almost like you practice without knowing wh...
Brother Achalananda, a senior minister and member of the Board of Directors of Self- Realization Fellowship, draws on over fifty years of experience on the spiritual path, discussing how we can discover and express the divine potential of will power within ourselves. This talk was given at Self-Realization Fellowship’s 1997 World Convocation in Los Angeles, California. Get the full talk by Brother Achalananda, available at our online bookstore: http://bookstore.yogananda-srf.org/Developing-an-Unconquerable-Will-p627.html Learn more about Self-Realization Fellowship: http://www.yogananda-srf.org/
Brother Achalananda, a senior minister and member of the Board of Directors of Self- Realization Fellowship, draws on over fifty years of experience on the spiritual path, discussing how we can discover and express the divine potential of will power within ourselves. This talk was given at Self-Realization Fellowship’s 1997 World Convocation in Los Angeles, California. Get the full talk by Brother Achalananda, available at our online bookstore: http://bookstore.yogananda-srf.org/Developing-an-Unconquerable-Will-p627.html Learn more about Self-Realization Fellowship: http://www.yogananda-srf.org/
Yogananda lived at the Mother Center for many years on top of Mount Washington in LA. It is the spiritual center of the Self Realization Fellowship he founded. With it's commanding views of LA and beautiful gardens the he designed for spiritual reflection and meditation it truly a wonderful place to be. Yogananda's music and spiritual words of wisdom are featured on this video.
Brother Anandamoy, a member of the Board of Directors and a senior minister of Self-Realization Fellowship, shares inspiration from his more than sixty years of discipleship and his years of training with Paramahansa Yogananda. He speaks of God’s love for the devotee and how you can experience that all-fulfilling love in meditation. This talk was given at Self-Realization Fellowship’s 2006 World Convocation in Los Angeles, California. Get the full talk by Brother Anandamoy, available at our online bookstore: http://bookstore.yogananda-srf.org/Opening-to-Gods-Love-in-Meditation-p626.html Learn more about Self-Realization Fellowship: http://www.yogananda-srf.org/
From the talk "Understanding Karma" - Br. Anandamoy talking about those who teach Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings outside his organization.
Satsangha with Brother Anandamoy, monk of the Self-Realization Fellowship founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Interview with Brother Santoshananda, SRF-Monk, about Kriya Yoga.
I’m sitting right in your house
I’m sitting on your settee
I had to make my own coffee and find the remote for your tv
I came all this way
But you’re a million miles away
I’m still waiting till you get off the phone, like I got all day
You better wait a sec
Cos I can’t connect
You gotta let me in your head
You know it, you see it
You can’t get out of it
I show it, you conceal it
But I’m still shut out of it
And I get so upset
It’s got to happen soon
Gotta get out of the silence room
I’m sitting with all your friends
We’re laughing at all your ways
I pretend I see the funny side but really I’m ready to break
They say talk is cheap
But with you it wouldn’t be
If you could just take the time to speak your mind
How much effort would that take
You better make a start
At trying to act the part
Or I’m getting on the next plane
You know it, you see it
You can’t get out of it
I show it, you conceal it
But I’m still shut out of it
And I get so upset
It’s got to happen soon
Gotta get out of the silence room
You’re keeping a secret, you know it’s a lie
You’re walking on thin glass you know that this can’t last
You’re keeping a secret, you know it’s a lie
You gotta let me in your head
You know it, you see it
You can’t get out of it
I show it, you conceal it
But I’m still shut out of it
And I get so upset
It’s got to happen soon
Gotta get out of the silence room
You know it, you see it
You can’t get out of it
I show it, you conceal it
But I’m still shut out of it
And I get so upset
It’s got to happen soon