Showing posts with label Public Transport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Transport. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

"I'm ripping down that poster. I fucking hate socialists."

The title of this blog is from The Man Who Feel Asleep's Tube Gossip. One of the funniest things I have read on the web in a long time. If you have a spare half hour, it's worth checking out.
Some more of my favourites are reproduced below (and thanks to SIAW for the original hat tip.)
I got chocolate money, but it was Euros.... I felt very modern.
  • Rebrov's gone from the Champions League to the bench at West Ham. That's the Spurs effect.
  • I smoke cigarettes because I like them, not so that I can get criticised by you every ten minutes.
  • I spoke to God and he told me that he hates you.
  • Anyway, she has to go round everyone in the IT department and remind them not to wank in the toilets.
  • That's not a dog - it's a rat with delusions of grandeur.
  • Osama Bin Laden is like the Tupac Shakur of the terrorist world. He's dead, but they keep re-releasing old statements of his.
  • Some people in the third world can't afford DVDs and have to watch VHS videos.
  • I would never punish my kids by hitting them. I just make them feel guilty and all twisted up inside.
  • I was actually born in Harpenden. But I got out of there pretty fast.
  • He was pretending to play with the phone, but he was obviously trying to photograph me.
  • You have the chin of a Welshman.
  • There’s nothing worse than those white Ipod headphones.