Showing posts with label 180. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 180. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Get In!!!!!

My third 180 in three months. If this was 1974, I'd be ranked number seven in the world.

Friday, May 22, 2015

"Fun like this . . ."

I've finally worked out how to get 180s. (My second this year.) Before the third dart is thrown, you haven't realised that you've already hit two treble twenties with your first two darts. 

The upside of a bad prescription.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Finally . . .

Thirty odd years after my first 180, I finally get my second. Granted, in the intervening years I played little or no darts but a thirty years gap between the first and the second is a tad too long.

As mentioned before, disregard the numbers round the board. I rotate the board because the 5/20/1 beds had all taken a battering in the past few months.

And, yes, if and when I get another 180, I will post a celebratory pic on the blog. But by that point I'm sure we will all have google glass surgically embedded in our eyeballs, so the blog won't even be necessary.