Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2009

Misplaced Pronouncements (Part 36)

A fool has one of those 'D'oh moments':

The setting is a Brooklyn apartment on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Kara - [Reading BBC Sports News.] US have just scored. They're winning one to zero.

Me - I honestly can't be bothered going next door to watch it. It's a Mickey Mouse game. People are only interested in the tournament 'cos there's no other football on the tv at the moment.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Yesterday Once More

The 5P music blog brings the blogosphere news of why July 3rd, 1982 was the most important day in the history of eighties:

  • Best album of the eighties reached its rightful place.
  • Best number one single of the eighties drove a welcome wedge between Stevie Wonder (with Macca) and Survivor stateside.
  • On the same day, a Norwich band by the name of The Happy Few did a Peel Session - which you can hear here - and I thought I was Eder* when kicking a ball six hours a day . . . and I probably needed my haircut.

    A day late but that don't matter: what the hell ever happens on July 4th anyway?


    *July 3rd 1982 was the day after Brazil had dismantled Argentina 3-1, to put the holders out of the World Cup. July 5th was still to come.

    Thursday, November 22, 2007

    Meano . . . Meano

    Roy Keane get's in the mix.

    As much I enjoy the spectacle of Roy Keane pulling on his old football boots so he can metaphorically scrape his studs down the shins of today's overpaid blowhards, I don't think he gets it: as wonderful as international football can be (see here. here and here), club football is where it's at for the average footie fan.

    Ask them what they would rather get to see in their lifetime: their team winning the league title or their place of birth winning the world cup, and 93/100 will go for the former every time.