Sunday, May 22, 2005


Just came back from the pub having watched the footie (note, Ardeelee, footie means soccer) and, while I'd maybe have liked to have said I was stunned, I'm not. The simple reason being that today's drubbing from the 'Well was coming for some time. We have been dreadful in recent weeks - slogged it against Hearts, slogged it against Aberdeen and Hibs. On the whole, I don't exaggerate when I say that I think our team is the worst since the Liam Brady days. Yes, they are all quality players - or, to be more precise, HAVE BEEN quality players. And O'Neil's tactics today were a disgrace - assuming, of course, that the players followed advice which must have gone along the lines of: "Right lads, our strength over recent seasons has been our forward play and our huge weakness has been at the back, so.....get a goal and forget about attacking and just let our very aged and slow defenders handle the young nippy opposition." What a fucking wanker!
I'm angry, very angry indeed. Not at Rangers, not at Motherwell and not, as some moronic Celtic fans might be, at refereee Hugh Dallas. I'm only angry at Celtic. We were dreadful today, we have been dreadful for some weeks and, in fact, we have been dreadful all season. Story over!
So, I come home and what do I do to cheer me up? The only thing that cheers me up when I'm pissed off - and, in fact the only thing which I put on when I'm on a high: Never Mind The Bollocks, from which the title of this post comes.


Blogger Imposs1904 said...


I was listening to it on the radio, and the truth is with Celtic not getting the second goal, I was expecting Motherwell to score at some point (I wasn't necessarily expecting them to score twice, though!!!!)

By all accounts Rangers and Hibs did a Germany/Austria circa'1982 for the majority of the second half, so we couldn't even get a get of jail free card from the hibees.

Throwing away the title has yet to sink in, but it will.

5:48 pm  
Blogger timesnewroman said...


6:39 pm  
Blogger John said...


Commiserations. May I recommend Slap! by Chumbawamba for cheering yourself up. It alwasy works for me - great hangover music too.

And console yourself you're not a Villa fan condemned to midtable sub-mediocrity season after season.

8:37 pm  
Blogger Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Mid-table mediocrity? Pah! I raise you the indignation of a former European cup winning side being relegated to the Third Division (I don't care what fancy names they come up with to glorify the top teams: the English Division One is STILL the Third Division in my mind).

Sorry about Celtic though.

12:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to say I'm suffering the most due to going out in the 'second' division play-offs for the second year running, but then I read Lisa's post and have to concede she has a must be REALLY bad supporting Forest right now.Commiserations to all. Bloody football.

9:25 pm  
Blogger ardeelee said...

as much as i would love to know about 'footie' thanks red for elaborating.....i wish i somehow know what you're all talking about.

the first thing i'd ask all of you to teach me if I ever move to the UK is all about 'footie'.

as all of you probably already know, american 'footie' is !@#$%$% rediculous. what's up with the padding?

2:20 am  

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