Not just a football video site

footytube works with a variety of partners to aggregate vast amounts of football data. This data includes football videos, news, podcasts, blogs, fixtures, results, odds, team stats, and much more. We then sprinkle a few state-of-the-art community features on top of this to bring football fans and the teams they follow together in one place.

Bots that know everything there is to know about footy...

Affectionately known as the footytube goat bots, we have a total of three specially designed search bots that graze the open web in search of juicy football content. In their simplest form, the footytube search bots work by running through millions of webpages each day, aggregating and semantically analysing very niche specific and timely football related datasets. They're clever - they know what teams have been playing, who plays for those teams, and what's being said about them. If Inter Milan won at the weekend, the bot knows about it. Heck, the bot even knows what Mourinho had to say about their victory!

This search intelligence is acheived by harnessing the power of a number of API's and partner services, with the data that we collect and merging this all together in a delectable football sandwich. This gourmet delight is then served to the eager waiting football community on a bed of scrumptious community wafers. The net result is a site that has the most wide-ranging and reliable football information possible, covering pretty much every league and football competition in the world without prejudice.

This level of detail and relevance, combined with unique community features, such as match result surveys and direct webcam video feedback, provides footytube visitors with a truly exciting user experience.

footytube is just getting started...

Many aspects of footytube are currently in closed beta mode. This includes video uploads, our unique and exclusive visual livescore service, and many aspects of the new forthcoming community features.


We are committed to the concept that sharing is a very good thing indeed. As such, everything you see on footytube can be harnessed via the openfooty API. What's more it's completely free for non-commercial use.

Our thanks to the following partners, websites and services that help to make footytube happen:

InRunning Media - They helped put together the openfooty live betting engine.
Facebook Connect - Sync all that lovely facebook stuff with your own userbase.
Meebo Community IM - The leading provider of IM and chat functionality.
Guardian Open Platform - The world's most powerful news API.
Yahoo Boss - Yahoo!'s open search web services platform.
DayLife Cookbook - A set of recipes you can use to jumpstart your news fiddling.
Open Calais - Semantic analysis toolkit for helping a computer to understand the obvious.
Truveo Video Search API - AOL's rather fantastic video aggregation service.
BBC Backstage - A bunch of API's for accessing a range of BBC services.
Youtube API - It's youtube's video API, and it's wuvvly.
Amazon S3 - Really really really super big hard-drive space.
AM Charts - Coders of those pretty ickle charts you see dotted around footytube.
Apple - For making macs

Google Code - For so many other things :)

» The people behind footytube
Kick4Life - changing lives through football