. . . which is loosely based on Upton Sinclair's novel 'Oil'.
Upton Sinclair is best known for his novel about the Chicago stockyards, 'The Jungle'. A recent article from the Socialist Standard on Upton Sinclair and the Jungle has been posted on the SPGB MySpace page:
Upton Sinclair and ’The Jungle’For those of you have only just stumbled across the blog for the first time - after googling for nude pictures of Kika Markham, perhaps? - The Socialist Standard is the journal of the Socialist Party of Great Britain.
Gordon Warnecke, who was the star of the 1980s British film, 'My Beautiful Laundrette', was the son of Eddie Warnecke, a longstanding member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain.
'My Beautiful Laundrette' was also the breakout role for a very young Daniel Day Lewis. (One of his best roles, and before he decided to adopt the 'Chewing Up The Scenery' school of acting.)
You have just read the worst attempt at a 'six degree of Kevin Bacon' in the history of film trivia. No beef and very little bacon.
Daniel Day Lewis and Gordon Warnecke, on the set of 'My Beautiful Laundrette', laughing over the good old days when the Socialist Standard carried album reviews.