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Pernice To Me: The Series
Order Goodbye, Killer
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August 20, 2015

Meet Roger Lion

Hello friends! Hope your summer’s going well. Andrea Kremer here again, with the latest in a series of sporadic (we prefer “eagerly anticipated”) updates from Pernice World Headquarters, here in sunny Boston, MA, where I’m happy to report that our snow pile has just about melted. And in other happy developments, Joe has lately taken to calling [...]

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July 9, 2014

UK Tour, BBC Rebel Playlist

Hello, friends! A brief Pernice-related update: The New Mendicants (Joe Pernice and Norman Blake in duo form) are embarking on a UK tour during the month of August.  It begins in on August 5th in Glasgow with two nights at the East End Social, then stops at the Edinburgh Festival, the Tartan Heart Festival in [...]

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The New Album

Goodbye, Killer by Pernice Brothers is Joe Pernice’s first band album since 2006’s Live a Little. In several weeks-long bursts of work over the course of a couple of years, in between writing a novel, recording a soundtrack for said novel, touring on both, and doing real-life things, Joe, his brother Bob, and long-time collaborators James Walbourne (Pretenders, Son Volt, Peter Bruntnell) and Ric Menck (Matthew Sweet, Velvet Crush) holed up in an attic in Boston and recorded these 10 Pernice originals.

Goodbye, Killer should appease Pernice fans from all walks of life. It includes the full on rock ‘n rollers “Jacqueline Susann” and “Bechamel,” signature pop songs “The Great Depression” and “F***ing and Flowers,” the Scuds-esque “Newport News” and “The End of Faith,” and two AM radio would-be classics “The Loving Kind” and “Goodbye, Killer.” Pernice refers to the undeniably show tune-y number “We Love the Stage,” as his “homage to vaudeville, indie rock and learning to love betting against yourself.” (Whatever. Pernice’s manager just hopes it’s the first song in the musical he and Walbourne are going to write, because she’d love to lose a lot of money producing musicals too.)

Goodbye, Killer is a versatile album that’s trademark Pernice.