Showing posts with label Human League. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human League. Show all posts

Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Next 30 Day Song Challenge - day 09

Day 09 - A song that references another song or artist 

Just struck me the other day that there's never enough mentions of The Undertones, The Human League and subbutteo on the blog. Today's task on the The Next 30 Day Song Challenge helps me cover all three.

The Undertones reference Human League in 'My Perfect Cousin:

And any old excuse to post my favourite Human League video, in case nobody knows them (aye, right):

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Thank You Wiki (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)*

Never knew that. Procrastination sometimes has its own rewards.

Turns out that the bloke who produced the first two Duran Duran albums, Colin Thurston, also produced the following seminal records:

  • Human League's 'Reproduction'
  • Magazine's 'Secondhand Daylight'
  • Our Daughter's Wedding 'Digital Cowboy'
  • Talk Talk's 'The Party's Over'
  • KajaGooGoo's 'White Feathers'
  • Well, seminal records for me, I mean.

    And people still insist on sneering at Duran Duran after all these years. Dismissing them as being nothing more than vacuous pretty boys. Pop culture harbingers of Thatcherism.

    "Pretty boys"? Have you ever seen John Taylor in his natural light? Fulham's Jimmy Bullard scrubs up better. If it weren't for the tunes and Simon Le Bon's Sondheim-like lyrics, Nick Rhodes would still be second assistant at the bovril stand at the Holte End to this day.

    *With regards to the title of the post; Yeah I know that Colin Thurston didn't produce that particular classic Magazine track, but the song was ringing through my ears whilst spewing out this post.

    Friday, January 25, 2008

    Finding 1981 in 2008

    Sometimes I think when it comes to music matters and 2008, I'll only give it a glance when it concerns music dating from 1981. Sad but true.

  • Kissy Sell Out vs The Human League - 'The Things That Dreams Are Made Of' mp3
  • Hat tip to music blog, Paul's Ramblings.