Showing posts with label Fileden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fileden. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Bargain Basement MP3s

Fileden is killing me

The bandwidth has just been reset in the past day and, by my reckoning, the bandwidth will be busted again within the next ten days. Therefore, I've decided that my only option is to start deleting mp3s to free up some space. That's fair enough. They were only ever placed on the blog in the first place for *sampling* purposes.

The deal is that I will start deleting the files tomorrow night at 8pm, so if anyone wants to take a last chance to check out the various songs posted, they can click on the posted mp3s link and see if there is anything there that may tickle their fancy.

There's too many songs to list or go through, but I hope there's something in amongst the pile that's music to your ears.

One last thing, here's the disclaimer regarding posted mp3s that should be permanently on the blog's sidebar:

The Secret Melody of the Class Struggle's policy on the mp3s posted

"As well as the rants about politics and footie, I do from time to time post mp3s on the blog. These are for sampling purposes only, and are only up for a limited time. I hope that you like the songs as much as I do, and support the artists featured by buying their albums, DVDs and coffee table books.

Any bands or artists featured who don't want their music to be associated with bad taste in politics and dodgy football shorts, please email me and I'll take the mp3s down pronto. No hard feelings at my end, and *cough* thank you for the music."