A Message from Respect

Help Make a Political Earthquake


Dear Friend,

We are on the edge of a political earthquake in British politics. In polling conducted at the weekend, the Respect candidate in the Rotherham by-election, Yvonne Ridley, has the lead over Labour. Labour has panicked and launched a vicious and negative campaign of dirty tricks against Respect but this has been sidelined by our magnificent positive campaign with the Respect battle bus, advertizing truck and campaign groups in every ward.

Polling conducted in the Croydon North by-election suggests that Lee Jasper, the Respect candidate, is now neck and neck with the Labour Party to win the constituency. This overturns a Labour majority of over 16,000 at the last general election. This is nothing short of astounding and is testament to the excellent campaign team, candidate and brilliant policies we have.
The voters go to the polls for both constituencies on Thursday this week. If Respect wins one of these constituencies, it will make headlines across the world. If we win both, we will deliver the biggest blow to the squalid political consensus that has suffocated British politics since the 1970s. It will mark the transformation of our party into the fourth force in British politics and the most sustained challenge to three party politics since it developed in the 1980s.


There are three ways that you can help Respect to shake British politics to its foundations. First, you can donate to help us pay for more leaflets, posters and stickers in the final days of the campaign. Please donate HERE.

Second, you can volunteer to help in Rotherham or Croydon over the next few days. We need people to give out leaflets, canvas door to door and travel on the Respect battle buses in each constituency. We need people to telephone and send text messages urging a vote for Respect.

For Croydon please contact Junior 07717791688- if unobtainable then Carole ( 07966 377162 ) or Patricia ( 07508 950589 ) or email RespectLG@talktalk.net.

For Rotherham, please contact Alias on 07960 430082 or email therespectparty@gmail.com

Third, you can share everything that the campaigns are posting on our websites, Facebook and Twitter. Get the message out now.

For Respect, the next few days are like a general election. We can deliver a damning verdict on the path of British politics and society in the last two years. We can deliver a challenge that shows what real Labour means and what real communities need. Please help us deliver Yvonne Ridley and Lee Jasper to Parliament to make a formidable team with George Galloway.

Many thanks

Dr Christopher Chilvers
National Secretary The Respect Party
07794 192 670
PO Box 167 Manchester M19 0AH.

Lee Jasper Unveiled As Respect Candidate for Croydon North By-election

Lee Jasper will be standing as Respect’s candidate in the Croydon North by-election, scheduled to take place at the end of November.

The by-election has been called in response to the death of Malcolm Wicks, who held the seat for Labour with one of the largest majorities in the country since the seat was created for the 1997 general election out of the previous Croydon North West and part of Croydon North East constituencies. At the last election Wicks was elected with 31. 9% of the vote, giving him a majority of 16,481.

Croydon is one of the most deprived boroughs in London, registering above national average levels of poverty, crime, and social exclusion. Child poverty is a major problem and currently stands at 4 in 10 (45%). The South London borough is ranked in the top 10% of deprived electoral wards in the UK and is home to a large Muslim, Black and Asian population.

Lee Jasper’s record as an anti-racist and community activist is unparalleled, and he carries with him a formidable track record as a campaigner that no other candidate standing could hope to match.

He issued the following statement, announcing his candidature:

“‘I’m delighted to be the Respect candidate. Following George’s amazing victory in Bradford West I welcome the opportunity to offer the people of Croydon North a viable alternative to the tired and failed politics of the mainstream political parties. The responsibility for the economic crisis lies with banks and not the people of Croydon North and yet they are seeing their services cut and the welfare reforms are causing real hardship and acute distress.

“‘I will be a minority of those articulating that there is another way. I will be arguing against the austerity programme and for investment in public services and jobs. I am looking forward to taking these argument to the voters of Croydon North.”











Salma Yaqoob Resigns from Respect

Resignation Statement:

It is with deep regret that I have decided to resign from Respect. The last few weeks have been extremely difficult for everyone in the party. I feel necessary relations of trust and collaborative working have unfortunately broken down. I have no wish to prolong those difficulties, and indeed hope that they may now be drawn to a close.

I remain committed to the principles and values that led me to help found Respect. The policies we have fought for need to be voiced as loud as ever in opposition to a political establishment that remains out of touch with working people.

I would like to thank everyone in the party for their support over the years; I wish everyone the very best for the future and in those common struggles for peace, justice and equality that I am sure we will all continue to be involved in.

Respect Party

Electoral Alliance – the Way Forward for Respect & the Greens?

As part of our where next for the movement series, here is an article from Josiah Mortimer, University of York Green Party Treasurer, activist and student journalist. You can visit Josiah’s blog, The Red Society, here, and follow him on twitter here

It’s fair to say the left in Britain is in a pretty sorry state. The sheer number of miniscule, bickering left-wing groups indicates the scale of the problem. The left’s crisis is reflected throughout Europe – France and Germany’s ‘New Anti-capitalist’ Parties have come to little, nominally social democratic governments have been ejected from office in Portugal, Spain and elsewhere, and in Britain, the Labour party – again social democratic by name – refuses to reject the cuts consensus, while Trotskyite sects argue at the side-lines.

Until Galloway’s election in Bradford, there was just one electable social/ist democratic party – the Greens. In Brighton, the Green council have rejected privatisation and spent months consulting unions and community groups on the first Green budget, which though not uncontroversial, is impressive in its participatory nature and the fact that it had strong union support against attacks from Labour and the Conservatives which saw over £3m worth more of cuts forced onto it through rejecting a council tax increase. The introduction of a Living Wage and pay ratios show what left-led local councils can do even when faced with massive central government funding cuts.

And yet in May – if Labour lose a number of seats to Respect – Brighton could be potentially joined by as a left-led council by a Labour/Respect coalition in Bradford. Unlikely, of course – yet then again so was the election of a Respect MP until just a couple of weeks ago. Even if Labour still firmly hold the council, which they no doubt will, they may well have a number of vociferous socialist councillors to contend with in the council chamber, and could be pressured to implement progressive policies – like the Living Wage, reinstating EMA on a council-wide basis (as, somewhat surprisingly, Cornwall Council appear to be doing) and building resistance to the cuts. It’s not impossible off the back of a huge electoral victory that come May, a sixth of Bradford council could be Respect seats. Sweeping gains may not be a pipe dream.

Yet there is a problem. 127 candidates are fighting for 30 seats – and among them, competing left candidates. Socialist Labour are standing against Green councillor Martin Love who leads the Green Group and has over the past few years pushed for renewable energy for new housing and won for Bradford millions of pounds in green investment. Respect are standing against Green candidates in Heaton, Manningham and elsewhere. I’m a biased observer as a Green activist – but anti-cuts activists opposing elected anti-cuts activists seems like a strange tactic and a clear example of the Pythonesque Judean People’s Front/People’s Front of Judea politics that has not helped the left one bit – except to spruce up splinter group paper columns.

To consider the solution we first have to accept a few facts. A Labour council is in general better than a Tory one. A Green council would be (and is) more progressive still – and perhaps likewise for Respect. But where left candidates stand a good chance of being elected, I think we must accept that party allegiance should be put aside.
In short, we need an electoral alliance. We cannot have absurd situations like the Socialist Party standing against John McDonnell MP back in 2001, or Socialist Labour standing against Caroline Lucas in 2010. And that’s without even mentioning the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition.

The prospects of a left alliance look bright post-‘Bradford Spring’. Such an alliance might consist of candidates standing aside at the next election to allow whoever out of Respect and the Green Party previously got a higher percentage of the vote to stand – and if possible, cross-party activism and public support. It might be uncomfortable, but under First Past the Post, it may be time to realise that it’s also necessary. In sum, we have to accept what Dawud Islam– the Green candidate for Bradford West and now Respect council candidate – has said: ‘Caroline Lucas MP and George Galloway MP [should] agree some sort of electoral pact between the parties in the future, as I certainly view the Green Party as a progressive party of the left.’ Though in Parliamentary terms the parties are now equal, it must be remembered that before Galloway’s election Respect had less than 700 members nationally.

There is clearly a high degree of overlap with both parties – both promote ‘investment not cuts’, nuclear disarmament, withdrawal from Afghanistan and NATO, strong public services, rail renationalisation and an end to anti-union laws. The difficulty, though not a significant one, is environmental policy – but it’s hard to see Respect rejecting environmentalist concerns.

After the May elections, Respect and the Greens – and TUSC, for that matter – should seriously consider an electoral alliance of some kind. It has been done with success before, though not apparently in England. In France, the Left Front are making huge headway in the polls, and present a situation that should be aspired to here, where they are forcing Hollande’s moderate Socialists to support measures like a 75% top tax rate. More relevantly, Germany’s Social Democrats have offered a number of seats where they will not stand against the Greens, in return for broad cross-Parliamentary support.

Predictions, as Bradford showed us, generally fail. So I only make the suggestion – to pragmatically accept party overlap, and support electoral alliance as the best chance for overall success. Because truly, none but the most dogmatic can deny they were cheered by Respect’s success in Bradford as setting an alternative to the austerity agenda. So it’s time to adopt that painful but often successful tactic which has for too many decades been ignored – alliance.

Which Side Are You On?

by Conrad Landin

The Daily Telegraph supporting Boris Johnson? Surely not! For many, Andrew Gilligan’s promotion to the paper came as a relief. No longer would his hysterical opinions be broadcast to the capital’s retreating commuters as a point of course.

But when self-proclaimed Labour supporters take to its pages to shaft their own party less than a month before a crucial election, we can no longer be passive.

Lynton Crosby, the hard-right Tory campaign director, emailed the Tory members this weekend.

In an attempt to string out the mayoral tax row, Crosby invokes a number of sources, including the Telegraph, Lib Dem Brian Paddick and The Times. No surprises there. But Crosby also lists apparently ‘Labour’ commentators. “This isn’t just my view,” he writes. “See what others, including Labour activists, are now saying about Ken Livingstone’s hypocrisy.”

The Labour members he lists are Atul Hatwal, Jonathan Roberts, and Dan Hodges (who is quoted supporting Andrew Gilligan, who, like Hodges and Boris Johnson, is paid by the Telegraph).

It is time to call this what it is: Labour members undermining the Labour campaign for the mayor of London by doing and saying things the Tories want them to do.

They are acting as agents of the Tories’ line and the Tories’ strategy by throwing hand-grenades around our own trenches, rather than targeting the opposition.

Describing these figures as Labour activists is a insult to the hard work of the thousands of volunteers who have brought bread and butter issues such as transport fares up the agenda. And I’ll sort out a VIP ticket to my ward’s next canvassing session for any proven sighting of Dan Hodges on the doorstep.

None of these people have shown any interest in Labour winning this election. When the polls have shown the election to be on a knife-edge, they stay eerily silent. And then we see them pile in behind a newly negative and unpleasant Tory campaign. Self-describing tribalists like Hodges know too that when you’re close to an election, you can only pick your side. They have picked theirs: that of the Tory mayor.

Whilst Labour and its members are piling everything into this campaign, some people prefer to indulge themselves and their egos.

We only have to read the introduction of Crosby’s email to see the Tories’ vulnerability in this election. He is worried that his main election argument has gone into a tailspin. “Today, the national media are focusing on what disclosure means for the future direction of British politics and others are saying that it is a sideshow – just politicians spatting,” he says, adding that “These claims may serve Ken Livingstone’s purpose…

He should be worried – his strategy has veered off into a different debate: whether total disclosure is healthy for British public life. He and Johnson have poisoned the well. Many commentators are urging for the debate to move on.

Even Tory ex-minister John Redwood now says the tax debate is “crowding out the more important matters of what Ken or Boris would do to the Council Tax, the policing, and the transport of London,” he argues.

Johnson’s campaign is trying to divert Londoners’ attention from understanding that they will be £1,000 or more better off with Labour’s Ken Livingstone, through the reduction of fares and other key pledges – or, put another way, they will be £1,000 or more worse off with Johnson and the Conservatives.

If we can get this message out, then Ken will win. In a cynical attempt to deceive the electorate, the Tories have made a song and dance distraction.

Crosby’s strategy can be taken down. Real Labour activists will be doing just this in the coming weeks. Those few Labour members who continue to snipe must accept that they are simply the Tories’ useful idiots.

This article first appeared at Next Generation Labour.

Respect – the Second Coming

The first guest article in our where next for the movement? series is from prominent anti-war and anti-cuts activist Andrew Burgin

Respect Party logoThe victory of the RESPECT Party in the Bradford West by-election opens up politics in Britain in a way not seen for many decades. The scale of the victory was remarkable. George Galloway’s vote surpassed that of all the three main parties added together. This was a new development and entirely unpredicted even by those close to the campaign itself. When a young campaigner working for RESPECT in Bradford rang her mother a few days before the vote and told her that she felt there was a real chance that George would win, her mother, a seasoned political activist herself, thought her daughter had lost all political direction. The truth is that nobody saw this juggernaut coming not least the left itself.

And because it is a new and unexpected development it demands that we re-examine long-held and well-established understandings of political life and draw the necessary tactical and strategic conclusions.

The commentary on the left has largely welcomed the victory of the people in Bradford albeit with a number of reservations. These centre both on the person of Galloway himself and on the history of RESPECT but the assessments largely ignore the specificity of RESPECT’s achievement in Bradford. For the left the victory is a sign that other ‘real’ organisational developments in the class struggle are now possible. So from the SWP’s Richard Seymour we have this:

‘I would now say there is space for a political organization which is more cohesive and ambitious in its objective; not a re-make of past models, nor a revamp of existing ones, but a new formation….’

And from Counterfire’s James Meadway this:

It is this possibility of a new left that Galloway’s result herald. For Britain, it will combine opposition to wars abroad with opposition to austerity at home: genuine internationalism, and a radical defence of the gains working people have won. This new left may not arrive through the traditional channels, drawing in alongside militant trade unionists activists from Occupy, the anti-war movement, and some of the existing far left.

Or from Nick Wrack this:

More worrying for the Labour leadership than Galloway’s victory is the prospect of large numbers of trade union members decamping to another party.

And the new party Nick means is the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition – TUSC and not RESPECT. TUSC is an electoral alliance which includes Bob Crow and Matt Wrack and the Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers Party. We’ll see in the forthcoming elections whether the Galloway victory in Bradford translates into increased support for TUSC. At the 2010 general election TUSC candidates generally polled significantly less than 1% of the vote.

The problem with all these assessments of the RESPECT victory is that despite saying many correct things they all neglect to deal with what must be the central issue of the moment – that perhaps RESPECT itself can become the serious political party to the left of Labour that is so vital to the advance of the interests of the working class in Britain today. That RESPECT may fill – or be a significant part of filling – that political space that many have identified but none have successfully entered.

In Bradford more than 18,000 people voted for an anti-war and anti-austerity programme. They voted not for the ‘possibility’ of something new but for an existing political organisation which had stood in the previous general election. For a party with a recognisable brand which clearly has a resonance far beyond the ‘left’, that has broken into layers of support that other left organisations have hitherto only dreamed of. That draws on the best elements and traditions of those organisations but also encompasses something new from twenty-first century politics which enables it to become qualitatively different. As a result of this, the campaign empowered new layers of political activists. Women across the generations entered political life often for the first time and together with young working class people worked tirelessly for RESPECT in Bradford.

And the victory was largely down to these newly activated political forces.

They upset the Tammany Hall patronage that Labour so often relies on in its ‘safe’ seats and rejected the false assumption that anti-war and anti-cuts voters have nowhere else to go. They put forward a clear anti-cuts, anti-imperialist message with which no one on the left appears to take issue. So to say to RESPECT, as the left seems to be doing, that they have done very well in Bradford but now other people need to create a new organisation to do exactly what RESPECT has already successfully done, seems quite extraordinary.

No doubt RESPECT, itself a much reduced body in organisational capability from that of 2005, will struggle to integrate those who now want to join the party and take their place in its ranks. What a problem to have!

Surely nobody in their right mind will expect the party that achieved this to dissolve itself or stand aside because some on the left now see the possibility of building a new political organisation. Hundreds of people have joined RESPECT in the last week and they are joining on the basis of the politics laid out in Bradford West and the way in which the community was engaged. This should be the starting point for the entire left: anti-imperialist and anti-austerity politics together with a breaking of the boundaries of the left’s narrow expectations and vision.

RESPECT is clearly part of the solution to a historic problem.

There cannot be a multiplicity of successful new political formations. A choice has to be made in the wake of such a phenomenal victory.

Tariq Ali, as usual, comes closest to the actuality of the situation when he writes,

Respect is different. It puts forward a leftist social-democratic programme that challenges the status quo and is loud in its condemnation of imperial misdeeds.

And he locates the basis for the new politics following the collapse of Communism,

Throughout the heartlands of capital, we witnessed the emergence of effective coalitions: as ever, the Republicans and Democrats in the United States; New Labour and Tories in the vassal state of Britain; socialists and conservatives in France; the German coalitions of one variety or another, with the greens differentiating themselves largely as ultra-Atlanticists; and the Scandinavian centre-right and centre-left with few differences, competing in cravenness before the empire. In virtually every case the two- or three-party system morphed into an effective national government.

Across crisis-ridden, austerity-driven Europe an exciting alternative politics is emerging. What Bradford revealed and what the political situation throughout Europe reveals is that social democratic parties which have gone over to the side of capital so wholeheartedly are no longer able to count on the support of their traditional membership and are beginning to fracture. New political formations have been evolving to fill the political space they have vacated. New parties of the working class – not revolutionary socialist but containing revolutionary socialists – are being built across Europe and are achieving significant political and electoral success.

In France the Front de Gauche stands at 15% in the polls for the presidential election, in Germany there is Die Linke and the Pirate party both at around 10%, in Greece parties of the left could take the government in the forthcoming election if they united under a single banner. Such developments have been notably absent in Britain but they are essential if the devastating policies currently being imposed upon us are to be rejected and reversed. Now is the time to seize the opportunity presented by the RESPECT victory in Bradford and work together to build upon it, to overcome past differences – no matter how difficult this may appear at first sight to be – and to help empower the working people of Britain with the political expression and action necessary for the crisis times in which we live. The working class requires no less and a failure to do this will consign the left to a marginal existence on the fringes of political life.

Andrew Burgin
4 April 2012

Mehdi Hasan Gets It Wrong on Bradford

One of the most interesting aspects of George Galloway’s by-election victory in Bradford last week has been the wholesale gnashing of teeth on the part of the London-based commentariat, who, in the process of trying and failing miserably to get to grips with the result and its whys and wherefores, have endured paroxysms of agony. From the asinine and embarrassing TV interviews conducted with Galloway in the immediate aftermath by Sky’s Adam Boulton and Channel 4’s Cathy Neuman, to a plethora of newspaper columns and blogs ranging from the absurd ramblings of perennial Blairite stooge, the unearthly John Rentoul writing in the Independent, to the excreta of the ever-rabid Melanie Phillips in the Daily Mail, the subtext implicit in the reaction of the nation’s most prominent TV anchors and newspaper columnists, bag carriers for the right wing consensus that dominates the mainstream media, is that, to paraphrase Bertolt Brecht, the people of Bradford West, in voting for Respect, have lost the confidence of the government and therefore the government should dissolve them and appoint another one.

The virulent dislike of George Galloway by each of the aforementioned, and various others, has dripped from every syllable of every word spoken to and written about him since the election. But no one should be under any illusion. This hatred runs deeper than Galloway the man. It extends to his politics and the constituency he represents – downtrodden and demonised communities that dare raise their heads to challenge the status quo on its own terms and win. Within this group politicised Muslims come in for special treatment.

But this wholesale fear and hatred of the declassed and downtrodden in society is nothing new. In fact, it is a common thread running back throughout history, wherein elites and their vocal lackeys have met any stirring of society’s ‘lower orders’ with unmitigated vitriol and condemnation. Whether it was Edmund Burke excoriating the French masses for daring to rise up and make a revolution in 1789 with his warning that “the tyranny of a multitude is a multiplied tyranny”; or whether it was the hatred of the elites towards the Petroleuses of the Paris Commune or the Chartists in this country, not to mention the abject horror which greeted the Russian Revolution, the Establishment and its bag carriers in the media have never failed to meet the politicisation and/or rebellion of the poor and alienated in society with anything other than revulsion.

Only last year we had the near universal outpouring of shock and indignation over the riots, mirrored in prison sentences that left no doubt who makes the laws and in whose interests they are made. Now, with Galloway successful in providing a political and democratic conduit through which the same demographic can register its refusal to remain ignored and unrepresented on the margins of society, you would think he’d just committed a heinous crime.

How many other politicians can you think of whose success at the polls would be met with the avalanche of negative column inches that his has these past few days? Sectarian, demagogue, self-serving, maverick, opportunist, populist, dangerous, divisive, dishonest, suspicious, colourful – these are the adjectives that have been attached to him in the immediate aftermath of one the most emphatic by-election results in electoral history.

This of course won’t come as a surprise to those on the left. But when the vitriol emanates from commentator who is identified as being part of the left, the broad left that is, alarm bells should start ringing.

Mehdi Hasan is political editor of the New Statesman magazine, a publication which consistently succeeds in making left wing politics and progressive ideas sound about as exciting as non league football in January. Regardless, Mehdi, recipient of the Oxbridge education required of the nation’s most prized opinion formers, has been able to establish himself as one of the select few voices of the left deemed acceptable by the mainstream – in other words completely non-threatening and politically benign. But to judge by his analysis of Galloway’s by-election victory, it is hard to resist the conclusion that he’s spent too many editions as a guest on Question Time sitting next to the aforementioned right wing hack, Melanie Phillips.

For example, in a blog piece that appeared on the NS website on March 30, he writes

“I am no fan of Galloway or his sectarian, far-left, self-serving politics…”

But worse is the piece he wrote for the Guardian, which appeared a couple of days later. In it he vents his anger this time not at George Galloway but the Muslims who voted for him.

“…why is it that most British Muslims get so excited and aroused by foreign affairs, yet seem so bored by and uninterested in domestic politics and the economy?

From the march against the Iraq war in 2003 to the demonstrations against the Danish cartoons in 2006 and the protests against Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2009, British Muslims have shown themselves perfectly willing to take to the streets to make their voices heard. But how many times have they, individually or collectively, joined rallies over issues that affect our daily lives: from the reforms of the NHS to the future of local schools; from the lack of social housing to rising energy bills and train fares?”

This essentialising of an entire community in two paragraphs, hectoring them for in his view failing to integrate in a manner satisfactory to his own Oxbridge- polished sensibilities, is usually the narrative of the right.

Further on in the same piece, he writes

“Muslims do not lack for opponents or antagonists; those who want to portray us as foreign, alien, un-British, are growing in number. We should not be handing them a club with which to beat us. In fact, the best way of overcoming Islamophobia and suspicion is for British Muslims to broaden, not narrow, our political horizons, to get involved in our local communities, to show our fellow citizens that we care not just about events in Palestine and Pakistan, but Portsmouth and Paisley too.

How can Muslims complain about our rights, our freedoms, our collective future, if we aren’t engaged in the political process across the board as active British citizens? We have an obligation, as Britons and as Muslims, to fully participate in local and national debates and not to stand idly by.”

Writing here as a Muslim, while blaming the victims of Islamophobia for Islamophobia, Hasan manages to combine moral cowardice with contempt towards his less domesticated co-religionists for their, erm, backward antiwar politics? His inability to understand that Bradford West was a by-election in which austerity stood front and centre alongside Britain’s participation in a dozen years of brutal and ever more costly wars in the Middle East, with Galloway making the all important link between the two, is a withering indictment of his political degeneration.

In time honoured fashion, he leaves the best till last.

“We have allowed ourselves to be defined only by foreign policy and, in particular, by events in the Middle East for far too long.”

Yes, Mehdi, how inconvenient that you find yourself spending more and more time between appetizer and dessert at the dinner parties you frequent in North London lamenting the inability of Muslims to just ‘get over it’ and learn to ‘know their place’.

Fortunately the overwhelming majority within the Muslim community of Bradford West, along with the thousands of non-Muslims who voted Respect last week, know better. Indeed, in inverse proportion to the horrified reaction of a reactionary media, whose ranks it has to be said Mehdi Hasan comes close to joining with his own shoddy analysis, the people of Bradford West have succeeded in putting to the sword the idea that there is no alternative.

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