Marxism 2017

Marxism Opening Rally 2016

Marxism: A four day political festival

Marxism 2017 involved thousands of activists from across the globe discussing how we can change the world.

You can see videos of some of the debates that took place here.

Activists debated how we can build on the support for Corbyn's socialist policies, and how we can launch a fightback against racism, austerity and war.

The event kicked off with activists from Justice for Grenfell, Momentum and striking cleaners addrsssing our opening rally (video here).

Other highlights included Moazzam Begg, ex-Guantanamo Bay detainee, addressing the closing rally on the fight against Islamophobia (video here).

Marxism Festival takes place every year in central London and involves debate, spoken word, cultural events and more. The dates for Marxism 2018 are 28 June to 1 July.




