Showing posts with label The Only Ones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Only Ones. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Perhaps I'm the only one?

'Another Girl, Another Planet' is so fucking overrated.

Granted, it's a good song, but in no way does is it qualify as great. It's nothing more than the bastard cousin of Richard Hell doing the guest vocals on a Motors song.

It's taken me 15 years to pluck up the courage to voice that opinion out loud. Even know, I expect Pitchfork to turn up at the front door with the . . . erm, pitchforks. Knowing my luck, Peter Perrett will break a guitar string tomorrow and his fan base will hunt me down via google alert.

Someone disagrees. That person needs to put on a loud shirt and listen to Wham!'s debut album.

File this post under 'An iTunes Shuffle Epiphany'.