Showing posts with label RefereeWatch at Ibrox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RefereeWatch at Ibrox. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"From Boston to Broxburn . . . "

I hope the ESPN commentators are talking about Boston, Lincolnshire. Could there really be any R*ngers supporters in 'Baw-stun', Massachusetts?

It's half way through the second half at Ibrox, and Barcelona are absolutely murdering R*ngers nil-nil. The last time I saw this much one sided possession, it involved Pete Doherty and Elisabeth Hasselbeck (The drug jokes don't work.)

RefereeWatch at Ibrox: it looks like Saturday morning all over again. Barcelona are denied a stone wall penalty in the last few minutes of the first half when Hutton blocks a Ronaldinho shot with his hand. It's not for me to say whether or not it was a deliberate, but within seconds of the incident, Hutton received a text message from Alex McLeish inviting him to join his next squad as Scotland's third choice goalkeeper. (The football jokes don't work either.)

"Most referees would have given a penalty in that situation." opines the wee Irish guy - He could be 6ft 8in for all I know. He sounds like a wee munchkin on helium - who regularly does the Champions League commentary on ESPN. I'll hazard a guess that neither him nor ESPN cover a lot of R*ngers games at Ibrox.

The Dark Side are going to nick something from this game.