Showing posts with label Mistaken Musical Identity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mistaken Musical Identity. Show all posts

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Weird Yin

Listening to some music on random at the minute on iTunes, and a tune kicks in.

Mmm, pleasant enough. Good cascading tune, with attendant swirling organ and with that forlorn late seventies vocal and lyric that is half Jilted John, half Joe Jackson, but it's neither.

Wait up. That sounds a bit like Hugh Cornwell. Vocals not as full frontal as usual and it's definitely not The Stranglers circa 'Rattus Norvegicus' or 'No More Heroes' but maybe dates from their lost period before the heroin bust and 'Golden Brown' getting played on permanent loop on Radio 2 when Jimmy Young was still top dog in that particular timewarp.

Quick shufty at iTunes: From the Indie Scene compilation album . . . looking good . . . I've got an ear for these things . . . 'People Say' . . . by THE GO-BETWEENS!!. Are you sure? The Stranglers and The Go-Betweens in the same space in my head. Weird yin. Would never associate the two.

Aah, the Jam's 'Running On The Spot' has followed in after Grant or Robert - can't tell which - has sung his final forlorn line on 'People Say'.

The Jam are from a simpler time and place. No such confusion with Weller and the other two. As soon as that rickenbacker kicks in, you know you can only be in one place.