Showing posts with label Newsweek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newsweek. Show all posts

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Staring back at me on the magazine rack at Union Square's Barnes & Noble

What is it about me missing the important memos? What happened to the 50% plus one scenario of enacting SPGB style socialism? Did a floor resolution overturn the long established Party position?

It does beg the question: Is it time for me to invoke my favourite Marxist quote . . . 'I don't want to be a member of a club that will have me as a member.'? Maybe it's time for my very own bailout package?

I wonder if I can get the Newsweek front cover made into a T shirt? . . . I wonder if this the thirty-fifth or thirty sixth time that some bright spark in publishing on either side of the Atlantic has used William Harcourt's famous quote as a headline since the shit hit the capitalism fan? I wonder if they know they're quoting Harcourt? . . . I wonder if they know that nine times out of ten when they're lifting the quote they've misrepresented the context in which Harcourt said those famous words? . . . I wonder if the World of Free Access people are tearing their hair out now that 'socialism' is somewhere between 'Britney Spears' and 'Christian Bale's rantathon' in Google's most popular searches? . . . I wonder how to end . . .