Showing posts with label Book Blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book Blogs. Show all posts

Monday, October 13, 2008

With the benefit of hindsight . . .

. . . the labels should have been:

  • BooksIvejustfinishedreading
  • Booksivejustfinishedrereading
  • But I didn't think it through.

    Didn't want you to think that I was just absent-mindedly picking books off the shelf and then proceeding to cut and paste a random paragraph from said book to keep the blog ticking over.

    That's what YouTube clips are for.

    Wednesday, October 10, 2007

    Hurry up and review 'The Last Breath'

    Via google alerts for Denise Mina comes a couple of good reviews by the Grumpy Old Bookman blog of the first two Paddy Meehan books:

  • The Field of Blood
  • The Dead Hour
  • I like how Michael Allen (G.O.B) cuts to the chase when writing about 'The Field of Blood':

    As an evocation of time, place, and atmosphere, this book is, I am sure, the equal of any Booker shortlisted book, but it is also, fortunately, much more. Because it's a crime novel we have a good strong narrative thread, and we are spared the arty-farty fancypants bullshit."

    What the review does not pick up on, and something that I still have difficulty getting my head around is Denise Mina's insistence that the Catholic community in Scotland was still experiencing as late as the early eighties an institutionalised discrimination that was so deep rooted in Scottish society that even Paddy Meehan becoming a 'copyboy' on a newspaper was seen as something out of the ordinary.

    I'm not suggesting that such a bigoted culture didn't exist, merely acknowledging that I'm perhaps too young to fully recognise that time and noting how far we've come between then and now.

    I'm looking forward to Allen's future review of 'The Last Breath', which has already become my favourite book in the Paddy Meehan series.