Monday, July 24, 2006

Spaced Out

That unnerving noise you can hear in the middle distance when you open your windows 'cos of the continuing incessant heatwave - whether you are in Brooklyn, San Jose or Motherwell - is not the rippled sound of incredulous gasps at the news that Celtic have actually won a pre-season friendly, but the collective wail of a two million unsigned bands discovering the news* that the MySpace website has been down these last few days because of a power outage in the state of California.

I shouldn't crow too much about it, 'cos it was the case that the next 25 5 posts for this blog were going to be MySpace related. It also means that the unofficial** myspace page for the Socialist Standard is also out of action, and currently can't be accessed and updated by my good self. That's put world domination back at least four weeks, and also means that when I am finally able to access the page again I'll be met by 400 messages that have totted up in the intervening period, denouncing me as commie scumbag who should get back to Little Moscow Cowdenbeath***. All that repetition on the delete button can play havoc with the RSI.

What will I do with my time? It's a toss up between downloading some episodes of Why Don't You? or finally getting round to re-reading this short story. Decisions, decisions, so many decisions on top of the ham-fisted attempt at irony.

* In every documented case, it was the bass player who broke the news to the rest of the band. It had to be them, as condition of membership of the band, is that they do the band laundry and be in charge of making the friend requests on MySpace whilst the rest of the band write music and generally be artistically creative. What did bass players do with their time before MySpace and 24 hour laundromats?

** I always have to insert 'unofficial' into the title when writing of the unofficial Socialist Standard MySpace page. How else can I explain away the fact that the Socialist Standard on myspace is a Glasgow Celtic supporter, and has excellent taste in music? If some Party members had their way, the page would be supporting Fulham and have the James Last Orchestra playing 'The Girl From Ipanema' as the page's profile song.

*** A sophistcated form of political abuse on MySpace.