Thursday, October 06, 2005

Out On A Limb

Apparently I'm the only blogger out there who has Gordon Legge listed as one of their favourite authors on their blogger profile. That either qualifies me as a sad bastard (another four or five authors listed by me also draw a blank), or you tasteless sods out there are missing out.

What do you think?


John said...

I DID try to find any of his books in Dublin bookshops after your earlier recommendation but had no luck.

You've reminded me to look again.

Darren said...

The shame is that it appears he hasn't published anything new for four or five years, and google is giving me a body swerve any time I try to find out what he is doing now.

Looks like I'll need to re-read 'The Shoe' for the twentieth time. I never will get round to finishing the complete hegel.

Kara said...

They do have his books on via the used books section.