Showing posts with label MySpace Stats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MySpace Stats. Show all posts

Monday, May 17, 2010

250,000 page hits

Just thought I'd note a milestone of sorts for the unofficial Socialist Standard page over at MySpace.

Obviously MySpace has seen better days but 250,000 hits for the blog is nothing to be sniffed at.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

800 not out

Just noticed that it's the 800th post on the blog of the unofficial Socialist Standard page on MySpace.

  • First post dates from February 20th 2006, and was the editorial from the Socialist Standard of the previous month.
  • The last post dates from early Saturday morning, and is a cut and paste job from Graham's blog.
  • From Pete Shelley to Hefner in two and a half years. I think I've grown as a person.

    Here's to the next 200.

    Monday, March 17, 2008

    Sunday should be a day of rest.

    I guess I should take my eye off the MySpace Socialist Standard page more often.

    836 views in one day? Bit of a shock when I got back from the Left Forum last night to see the stats staring back at me. And all I did yesterday morning before going into Manhattan was repost the transcript of the 'What Marx Should Have Said To Kropotkin' talk.

    Love to claim it was an indication that the thin red line is finally breaking out in a viral like fashion on the net. In all likelihood, what really happened is that an old gnarly SPGBer has finally gone online and discovered the page.

    Take it easy, comrade. Space your impossibilism out. 800 views and 600 articles over the course of 12-16 hours adds up to a hell of a lot of carpal tunnel syndrome and a bad case of 'final paragraph syndrome'.*

    *My best jokes are SPGB in-jokes.

    Wednesday, December 12, 2007

    Grumpy Old Men

    Still got the worst case of bloggers block imaginable.

    I find it hard to believe that I've run out of bad jokes. I'll be falling back on posting multiple YouTube clips next. I just wish I had the blogging bottle to press the delete button, but I know I'd only end up regretting it ten minutes after sending the blog into oblivion.

    Thankfully the unofficial Socialist Standard page on MySpace is still ticking over. Amazingly good day for the page yesterday via a will-o'-the-wisp post on Ron Paul and Noam Chomsky.

    Give the people what they want.