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Capitalism at a dead end

ISBN: 978-0895671752

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Capitalism at a Dead End: Job Destruction, Overproduction and Crisis in the High-Tech Era

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Low-Wage Capitalism: Colossus with Feet of Clay

ISBN: 978-0895671516

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This book by Fred Goldstein examines character of deepening crisis in capitalist globalization

Can socialism be revived in China?

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By Fred Goldstein

A selection of articles from the pages of Workers World.

Lavender & Red

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Leslie Feinberg’s series on LGBTQ history, “Lavender & Red,” appeared in theWorkers World newspaper in 2004-2008.

Rainbow Solidarity in Defense of Cuba

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By Leslie Feinberg

Marxism, Reparations and the Black Freedom Struggle

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A Voice From Harpers Ferry

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Osborne P. Anderson’s account of the raid on Harper‘s Ferry appeared in pamphlet form in 1861 right after the start of the Civil War. However. it was not set in print again until 1974. That year Vince Copeland, whose introduction “The Unfinished Revolution” is included in this book, rescued it from oblivion. Also includes contributions from Mumia Abu-Jamal and Monica Moorehead.

Black Reconstruction: A history of the part which Black Folk played in the attempt to reconstruct Democracy in America, 1860-1880

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A history of the Reconstruction era by W. E. B. Du Bois, first published in 1935.

War Without Victory

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The Pentagon’s Achilles Heel by Sara Flounders

Ukraine: U.S./NATO-backed fascist coup & a growing people’s resistance

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South Africa: Which road to liberation

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Eyewitness account written in 1993 by Monica Moorehead

U.S. hands off Libya!

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Published in 2011

Wisconsin: Lighting the fires

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Gaza: Symbol of resistance

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“Here is the story of the most heroic resistance since 1948 to unrelenting Israeli oppression and violence designed to drive Palestinians from their homeland.” Ramsey Clark

Sam Marcy

Deirdre Griswold

Vince Copeland