Thursday, 31 January 2013

Check this out, Internet, Freedom, etc... Copyright bullshit too

OK, anyone wondering what's going on with all the copyright bullshit on the internet should really check this show, made by Abby Martin. It airs on RT America (RT = Russia Today, don't worry, it's not some Putin outpost airing mental crap about him being a hero cos he's flying in a small kite/airplane leading a flock of swans to their winter destination, it's actually a really good news station dealing with all kinds of news).

These next few YouTube links are from Abby Martins show "Breaking the Set" (that's TV set she's breaking :).

BTS no. 88. - 1st part of interview with Kim Dotcom:

BTS no. 89. - 2nd part of interview with Kim Dotcom:

And if someone wants to go deeper there's 2 part interview that lasts longer:

PT. 1:

PT. 2:

OK, there you go... I gotta say Kim Dotcom is not my hero or anything, he is a capitalist, or a businessman, whatever that means... All I know is that he has some interesting stuff to say, makes me think some more about how this world is run. And about how capitalism is a lie, unless you got "good friends" (read: bribed politicians in your pockets).

Check Breaking The Set (FREE!) at their YouTube channel. ->

Thursday, 25 October 2012


Damn, this is sooooo good. I picked it up from Totalno Sam Ljut blogspot (blog having all the best Pula punk releases on it, definitely worth checking out!!!). This is INSANE!!! It's all the Pula HC/punk put together in one band, you got Angeri from Bolesno Grinje, Šapo from Fakofbolan, Jule from Anti Otpad etc. Fucking ALL-STARS Pula punk band! Fucking Hardcore Punk!

Bandcamp link -->

 AUDIO NITKOVS - Pišam na vas (I Piss On You)

Moonlee Records

This is one of the great labels coming from Balkans, based in Slovenia, with a Croatian branch, making great (and weird) music.
Moonlee Records has given a lot of their stuff for "name your price" cost (means it can be 0 - aka for free) on Bandcamp. Here is the link for their Bandcamp page --->
I'd definitely recommend checking them out, they have great bands on that label, if you like melodic punk/hc defo check out Debeli Precjednik (wow MySpace lol), for more noisy emo stuff I'd recommend Analena, defo also check out XAXAXA and Damir Avdić and also Senata Fox... Frigging too much crap to cover in one post, but a bunch of great bands on that label, well worth checking them all out.



(Debeli Precjednik/Fat Prezident should be on Fat Wreck already, WTF is Fat Mike doing? LOL)

XAXAXA - Probav da se isklučam (Band from Macedonia, fucking great, I listen to them a lot lately)

ANALENA - Inconstantinopolis (best ever emo/hc/whatever band from Croatia, and I'm kind of in love with the singer)


SENATA FOX - I Wish You're All Gone (fucking crust!!!)


OK, gotta find new ways of finding and listening to music. One good way to find and download new music is Bandcamp. I haven't been really exploring the ways this site makes profit and all that, but from what I've seen so far, it looks like a good option to find, listen, and also download for free or if you really like it, buy music.
The bands put their stuff on and you can choose the way you're gonna download it, sometimes it's free, sometimes it costs few dollars.
Or you can just listen to it.
Seems cool to me, so I'll be putting links to bands that can be found on Bandcamp for free.


Seems like my MediaFire account was suspended (whatever that means in bureaucracy terms). I suppose I shared too much of copyrighted crap on this blog. But the sad thing is, they didn't remove just the files that were infringing on copyright but they removed ALL of my files. That means NONE of the links work at this moment. MediaFire has a policy of suspending accounts (stupid term, I think they should call it KILLING the accounts) that get too many DMCA notices (DMCA = Digital Millennium Copyright Act). I personally don't have the problem with the owners of the music I post on here wanting to get their stuff removed, as it's their music, they made it etc. blah-blah they own it, yawn, but obviously me and them have a different vision of how the internet and free sharing of information should be handled. They chose the police state approach, so FUCK THEM!

They use the logic that every album you guys downloaded from this blog hurts their wallets, they say that every download is one less bought CD for them, and I think that is ridiculous. I know from my own experience that people don't want to buy every crap that is out there, if they care about the band they will go and BUY the shit band has to offer. Basically, downloaders get the blame for the bad state of music industry (and maybe that's the problem, it's a fucking industry, forget all the idealist stuff about how music is ART, it's a money making industry!) and it's cos the industry SUCKS big time. No one buys CDs anymore cos music suck!!! Not cos of people are downloading! People who download are the people who buy your music "products", you morons from the music industry!
All this industry and business talk is making me sick cos this blog, and 90% of the posts I had on here were non profit, D.I.Y., share-my-stuff type of music.
Stuff I mostly put on here was for me like a testament of my own life, stuff I liked, stuff that made me think about life, world, how things work, and now they messed it up. NO MORE DOWNLOADS!!!


Some of the crap I got suspended for wasn't even the stuff the complaint was about.

But enough of me whining. What is there to do? Give up? Say "That's it, I'm quitting"? NO!

I'm gonna keep on doing this blog, gonna find other ways to share music, gonna make another Mediafire account and post shit on there, gonna try and work it out, I'm not gonna let some scum tell me what I can and what I can't do. FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!!!

Only thing I know I won't ever do is buy another CD from a music industry.
I don't care what you guys do, leave me alone!

What this means for this blog? ALL LINKS ARE DEAD!!! Both no-copyright and the ones that are industry owned. I can't upload them all again, so I'll just do ones that people are requesting, meaning, put a comment in the post and if it's not the shit that got me fucked up, I'll reupload it again.

Apologies for the long read, the rakija might had something to do with it. ;)

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Arrest The Pope

Dunno anything about people who started this thing, this petition to send Pope to the Hague ICC (International Criminal Court), but I like it! Check the link bellow to see what's it all about and make your own mind if this make sense or not. I hope it's not some scam, cos I'd really like to see Pope and the Church on trial. This is not started by me, I just picked up on it.

And here's good old Disorder with their "Dope Not Pope" :)

Friday, 20 July 2012

In Medias Res #04 - #07

Ok, continuing with "In Medias Res" fanzine. Here are issues #04, #05, #06 & #07. All were released in 1994 & 1995. Enjoy!
For info about "IMR" check my previous post.
Info stuff: Što čitaš?.
Re-uploaded on 2012-12-02.

In Medias Res #04 (A5, 28 pgs, Croatian, 42 MB, cbz) - DL

In Medias Res #05 (A5, 28 pgs, Croatian, 42 MB, cbz) - DL

In Medias Res #06 (A5, 28 pgs, Croatian, 44 MB, cbz) - DL

In Medias Res #07 (A5, 28 pgs, Croatian, 45 MB, cbz) - DL

Sunday, 3 June 2012

In Medias Res #00 - #03

OK, got some zines to share. And to start things off... What else to use but (in my honest opinion) one of the most influential zines on the Croatian scene during the 1990's. "In Medias Res" brings back a lot of memories, scanning this stuff was a real trip back through time, almost like riding shotgun in that DeLorean Marty McFly was driving in "Back To Future" movies. I personally know Marko S. who made this zine, I was even involved in making of some issues (early ones - there's even an interview with me in issue #04 I think) and this zine was always a good read. I waited impatiently for every issue to come out, sometimes dreading the "Drunk as fuck" photo section as my pics were there almost regularly. What made "IMR"  different from other zines? Well, I always loved Marko's ability to give me some interesting reading material, I loved his travel reports, I loved his band interviews as he always had some weird bands he thought us drunk punks could get introduced to... This zine made me think I was not alone, made me feel a part of this worldwide punk/anarchist "movement" or "brotherhood" and I will forever be grateful to Marko for making me feel that way. RESPECT!!!
I suppose I'll need to write some info about the zine itself so here it goes... It first appeared in 1993 and kept on going till the 2000 (or around that year) which definitely makes it one of the longest running Croatian fanzines (there was "Warhead" zine done by Goc from Apatridi band that could maybe compete with "IMR" in terms of longevity but I think "IMR" had a lot more issues released). You could say the zine is kind of Marko's personal diary of sorts, it's not trying to be a punk magazine, it's about stuff that he found interesting. These 4 issues I'm posting here are the beginnings, released during 1993-1994. These issues look silly now, the design is pretty crude, the contents are almost "childish", just some rants done by a guy in his bedroom, and that's how it was actually made I suppose, but you need to take one thing into account. 1993-1994 were war years here in Croatia, we had a nazi president (fucking Franjo Tuđman, may he burn in hell for ages to come, and then burn some more, and all his family should get cancer, oh, OK, you get it, I hate the dead fucker), and there was no internet like today, so all information about anything other than the state sponsored news was hard to get. "IMR" came out and it was something new, it was punk in a way that it made people think "Damn, I can do this too!". I'll say it again, "Thank you Marko!" cos you made one part of my life a little bit more brighter and interesting.
Marko went to do other stuff in publishing, and if you're interested in what he's doing/publishing now check the link below.
Info stuff: Što čitaš?.
Re-uploaded on 2012-12-02.

In Medias Res #00 (A5, 12 pgs, Croatian, 20.2 MB, cbz) - DL

In Medias Res #01 (A5, 24 pgs, Croatian, 37.5 MB, cbz) - DL

In Medias Res #02 (A5, 28 pgs, Croatian, 39.8 MB, cbz) - DL

In Medias Res #03 (A5, 24 pgs, Croatian, 31.3 MB, cbz) - DL

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

"Is this thing still on?"

It's hard to answer the question in the title of this post. I am not sure how to define the state of this blog at this moment. I would like for it to still be alive but my previous track record is telling me differently. As you can see, I haven't been very active in last 2 or more years, and I kinda doubt I'll be more active from now on. Last 5 posts were actually stuff I had "on ice", stuff which was on my "to do" list for a long time. I got nothing new planned for posting, but (I hope) this doesn't mean that occasionally something new won't pop up on here to share with you.

I suppose I'll need to sit down and have a serious thinking session about the future of this blog. I want it to go somewhere, but where should it go, it's still a mystery to me. Being unemployed at the moment also doesn't help. I thought that being unemployed would give me lots of free time to work on this blog, but it seems like I was wrong. If nothing, I am working on the blog even less. Also, all this copyright terror (ACTA, SOPA, CISPA, and all other state/big business sponsored censorship action) is making sharing stuff really hard, with cyber lockers removing files like mad in fear of being closed down like Megaupload. That means I won't be re-uploading stuff that gets removed cos of requests from it's "owners" (record companies) or stuff that gets removed cos the bands themselves want it removed.
I'll be still checking on the blog like usual (maybe once a week) and try to answer your comments. And yeah, I got bored with the all black design of the blog, so here's the new design. See you all (I hope) very soon with new stuff for you to enjoy.

VA - KAZIN #1 (cass) [2000]

OK, this is a first on Nečista Savjest, been checking through all the previous posts and through my (somewhat damaged) braincells and yep, it's the first one, we never had an audio fanzine before on this blog. So let's start with an obvious statement: KAZIN is an audio fanzine. It was made by 2 guys, one of them is pretty well known in Croatian punk/alternative scene, his name is Mario Kovač (Schmrtz Teatar, Zvonko I Gradski Ured Za Kulturu, D Elvis, theater director, TV actor, movie mogul ;), etc.), and the other guy is Igor Mihovilović (PKB Teatar). As Mario tells us in 1st track "Uvod" ("Intro") this audio zine is basically a compilation of all the stuff that piled up and got released in this format. I don't know how much KAZIN will be interesting for people outside Croatia as most stuff featured on this tape is in Croatian. As far as I know this is the only issue of KAZIN.
Update on 2013-01-18:
One of the editors of KAZIN, Igor, was kind enough to inform me that there were two more issues of this audio fanzine released, #2 in 2001 and #3 in 2002. Thx Igor! Check the comments for his full info with more details, and does anyone have those tapes to share? Or sell?
Re-uploaded on 2012-12-10.

VA - KAZIN #1 (cass) [2000]

Year: 2000
Label : Carpe Diem! Records
Size: 152 MB / 320 kbps mp3 / 7z / DL

01. Uvod
02. Najvažnija vijest
03. Hermit - Piece For Audiozine
04. Šaljivi kućni audio 1
05. Schmrtz Teatar - Prevaren
06. Šaljivi kućni audio 2
07. Marko P. - Balada o poremećenom crvu
08. Šaljivi kućni audio 3
09. Bridget Bitch - Annie Sprinkle Trilogy (Part 1)
10. Šaljivi kućni audio 4
11. PBK Teatar - Čovjek vlak
12. Zoološki vrt
13. Zidar Betonsky - Šah mat (fragment)
14. Šaljivi kućni audio 5
15. 7 muha - radio igrokaz
16. Šaljivi kućni audio 6
17. Daydream Nation - Mondrian In Memoriam
18. Šaljivi kućni audio 7
19. Interview - Jonathan Crooks