Showing posts with label Killer Last Lines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Killer Last Lines. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Funniest Comment of the Day

Why I still I check out the comment box of the Kensingston (Brooklyn) blog daily:

still-working-for-a-living-and-drinking-instant said...

"these guys are getting their shovels into the ground just as the overheated real estate bubble is about to burst. apparently they're not concerned with the subprime mortgage meltdown, the banks' sharply tightening credit, and the rising mortgage rate. have they looked at the number of same co-op and condo listings on craigslist that are there repeatedly from week-to-week and clearly are not moving? in fact, if you count the listings available weekly in Kensington, the inventory backlog is increasing even as some listers are dropping their prices.

what we need now is more condos?


wake up and smell the coffee. oh yeah, we also need a coffee shop."

October 11, 2007 1:21 PM

From this post.