Showing posts with label Aneurin Bevan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aneurin Bevan. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mr. Bevan's Dream: Why Britain Needs Its Welfare State by Sue Townsend (Chatto & Windus 1989)

I am told by my graduate friends that I haven't missed much. They go on to describe their last-minute cramming, their worthless thesis (button manufacturing 1797-1831), but they know and I know that, at the very least, they can write a standard essay, they can marshal their thoughts into some sort of order, and they can come up with a reasonable conclusion. Unfortunately I can't do this. I enjoy reading other people's essays (stumbling across Orwell's Inside the Whale and Other Essays was a particular teenage joy, it out Elvis'd Elvis), but I can't write a well-structured essay myself. So, in this pamphlet, I have fallen back on the traditional working class method for expressing ideas — the anecdote, or what is now called 'the oral tradition' (which is only a fancy term for working class people talking to each other but not bothering to record what they've heard). I'd better explain that my own background is working class. I use the term easily and unselfconsciously, although I am aware that in 1989 the very words 'working class' are buried in a mine-field over which we all have to tiptoe so very carefully.

Slowly, over the years, our language has been debased, so that terms like 'working class', 'socialism' and 'the Welfare State' have become pejorative and individuals using the words in conversation now tend to put them in parenthesis, either by a certain emphasis of tone or by wiggling the fingers in the air to denote that the speaker is aware of certain ironies — that the words are anachronistic in our technological age.

I am extremely proud of my background and the more I travel and read about history and the roots of what we call civilisation, the prouder I become of this huge international class. I know that they were the builders of the cathedrals, the carvers of furniture, the seamstresses of the gorgeous clothes in the family portraits. They grew the hothouse flowers, they wove the carpets, bound the books in the libraries and gilded the ceilings. They also built the roads, the railways, the bridges and the viaducts. And what is more they were fully capable of designing such marvels. No one class has a monopoly on vision and imagination. The only thing the working classes lacked was capital.

Monday, August 02, 2010

August 2010 Socialist Standard

August 2010 Socialist Standard


  • Is unemployment really the problem?
  • Regular Columns

  • Pathfinders Meat Into Veg
  • Cooking the Books 1 The problem with capitalism
  • Cooking the Books 2 Economic soothsaying
  • Material World Waste and Want: Grapes of Wrath revisited
  • Greasy Pole You're Nicked
  • Pieces Together Workers Waking Up; A Lost Tribe Indeed; Profitable Carnage; Capitalism in Action
  • 50 Years Ago The Passing of a Labour Leader
  • Main Articles

  • NHS: short-term prescriptions For Tories, liberty means the freedom first and foremost to make money.
  • Communist Camp What communism has in common with a row of tents.
  • Marx and the Ideology of Darwinism Marx admired Darwin’s work but was critical of some of the conclusions drawn from it. The second of our three-part article on Marx and Engels and Darwin.
  • Land Grab: win-win or win-lose? Corporate self-regulation or total system change?
  • Conversation with a hairdresser’s assistant Uncomplicated Marxian economics by Wilhelm Reich, author of The Sexual Revolution.
  • Letters, Book Reviews, Meetings & Obituary

  • Letters to the Editors: Withering away of money?; Declining rate of profit?; Capital – difficult?
  • Book Reviews: Hopes and Prospects by Noam Chomsky; Chinese Whispers by Hsiao-Hung Pai; Socialism or Barbarism. From the 'American Century' to the Crossroads by Istvan Meszaros; Africa’s Liberation. The Legacy of Nyerere edited by Chambi Chachage and Annar Cassam
  • Socialist Party Meetings: Clapham & Norwich:
  • Obituary: Friedrich Vogt
  • Voice From The Back

  • The arrogance of the capitalist class; What recession?; Let ‘em fly copters; The silent spillage; Stop Moaning. Work Harder