Showing posts with label Cuba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cuba. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Truth that hurts

I'll hazard a guess that Alan J over at the SPGB blog, Socialism Or Your Money Back, got a few bound volumes for his Xmas 'cos he's been peppering the blog in recent weeks with reprints from the pages of the Socialist Standard.

If you ask him nicely he might post that classic mid-eighties review of Our Favourite Shop. In the meantime, here's a smattering of his reposts:

  • Communist Commotion (1957 article on the sorry history of the British CP.)
  • Walking the Plank (1932 article on the expulsion of JT Murphy from the CP.)
  • Is Nicaragua Socialist? (No, not Latin Quarter's follow up single to Radio Africa. A 1987 article from the Standard.)
  • Chile: myth and reality (An article from '73.)
  • Background to Cuba (An article from 1961. Kennedy in the White House and Paddy Crerand still at Parkhead.)
  • Russia's Afghan Hound (1980 article on . . . you can guess.)
  • Solidarity, the Market and Marx (As I posted yesterday about Ian Bone's youthful days in Solidarity in South Wales, I have to include this 1973 Socialist Standard article about Solidarity that was penned by a socialist originally from South Wales.)
  • There's a shed load more of old articles from the Socialist Standard over at the SOYMB blog, but as Kara just called and wants the kettle on, I'll let you find them for yourself.

    Sunday, February 24, 2008

    Election Upset

    Rank outsider wins the gold statuette.

    Really surprised by the result. I, like everyone else, thought Daniel Day-Lewis was a shoe in for his performance in 'Millwall Fan Chews Up The Scenery: Part II'.

    But then, I thought Dan the Geezer - as he's known down the New Den - was going to win the gold statuette for 'Millwall Fan Chews Up The Scenery: Part I' back in 2002.

    I was gutted when he lost out to Pat Nevin.